The biggest problem with eBay is that the crooks have found out that eBay is their friend, not yours. eBay does not really care if the seller is selling fraudulent items as long as they get a cut and if need be they will pull money from sly sellers account as a form of tribute to doing business on eBay, but they rarely kick a bad seller off. It is virtually impossible to give bad feedback to a "power" seller or one that does a certain level of sales. I just leave positive feed back in the form of "worst seller on ebay-crook". Ebay favors the seller always, but will refund the buyer if it needs to, out of the sellers account. However many times the seller wants the buyer to pay for return shipping, In other words, pay to get his money back, eBay gets a cut of the shipping too. I've done okay, but I've had to "school" eBay and a few sellers.