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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2015 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    The Fife Plooman

    First ploughing match 2015

    Hi All One or two pictures of local ploughing match Lots of straw very hard very stony very cold but lots of fun we were in among the big tractors and horses sorry did not get enough pics we spent time getting the ploughs right? Also at last found a cute walk behind to make into trophy in memory of a friend has taken a little while but worth while hope you like
  2. 1 point

    Bendy back on duty

    After what seems a good month on blocks. I finally completed the temporary engine transplant. The donor C-161 had been under a tarp in the garden for 3 years and I gave the carb and fuel pump a good clean when I bolted it on. The pulley was swapped as for some reason its a larger diameter than normal. After a few turns and a bit of choke it was back running As it seems to get dark here at 3pm all my pics are in the dark! Here's hauling some timber down for the fire.
  3. 1 point
    I have a good range of small drill bits in many increments, which is probably a better bet. I was going to buy a new jet and remove the existing one buy tapping it to allow a bolt to be used with a little heat. Your trick will save me alot of time! Thanks again jon
  4. 1 point

    Uh oh...in trouble again...

    Alain, a Tyke is a yorkshire man. Short arms and deep pockets and reluctant to part with anything.
  5. 1 point
    The jet 21 is usually the one that is blocked, I remove the jet by putting the point of a dart in the hole to stop it distorting then give it some gentle heat making sure there is no petrol left in bowl, then use a pair of pin nose pliers to gently twist and pull the jet out but proceed with care, the jet is easily damaged.
  6. 1 point

    kohler k341 wheel horse c161

    thanks for the advice guys I think ill be needing it struck her up this afternoon and she still runs like c**p but I've been onto a guy up the road who no's a little about these engines he's ringing me back to see if he can help thanks for all your help I really do appreciate it tom
  7. 1 point

    Uh oh...in trouble again...

    He's a Tyke.
  8. 1 point

    Uh oh...in trouble again...

    Ewan has found more goodies a bag of new 2 link snow chains and lots of nos wheel horse parts, inc including ignition switches, condensors, etc. Still not really had time to take a look myself
  9. 1 point

    kohler k341 wheel horse c161

    sounds words - I know I should have listened!!!!!
  10. 1 point

    Ultimate Ransomes Barn Find

    I bought it, chuffed to bits, the three speed and clutch are intact and also has the pto output gearbox which is missing from mine and different to MG6.
  11. 1 point

    Holme 1940's weekend

    A nice day spent today at the Holme 1940's weekend near Peterborough Although billed as a 1940's weekend the organisers were not that strict on age although there was some very nice WW2 machinery on show as well as people in period dress etc Here's some photos starting with our JALO display...
  12. 1 point

    kohler k341 wheel horse c161

    A new piston and rings in a untouched cylinder is a problem. Your engine is in excess of 30 years old, the wear on the engine was not only to the piston and rings, but more so to the rings and cylinder wall. The movement of the piston in the cylinder creates an out of round cylinder in the course of many years of use. It gets both out of round and tapers, by installing new rings you do slightly improve or actually reduces this clearance between the rings and cylinder, therefore increasing compression, but the new rings are round and the cylinder is not. In many cases installing new rings will snap the connecting rod as the increased pressure on the old rod and pin are substantially increased. That said, I would surmise that if your engine still contains the balance gears and was not rebuilt to standard, it is time to invest in doing so. The Kohler k341 is not as abundant as the k321 or k301 and if you want to keep it it around specific steps must be undertaken now that will prevent catastrophe in the future. Previous owners may have been penny wise, but pound foolish or relied on the advice of someone with no horse in the race, but if you find yourself in neither position, it is up to you how to proceed from here. I would start by realizing the engine was not brought to standards when worked on in the past and rectify that by doing so now. When you have the engine out, start by micing the cylinder wall and go from there. Remember measurements must be taken at the top, middle, and bottom of the cylinder. BTW, advice like this is why I have had problems on other forums, I say things some people would rather not hear. I hope you you hear that I have only good wishes for you and your engine. Good luck
  13. 1 point

    biddenden tractorfest 2016

    I will b there
  14. 1 point

    Bendy back on duty

    I can't... Spent it all on new toys Here's a few taken in daylight.... Just
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