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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    C-120 refurb.

    While down south at Rural Pastimes, The Showman kindly gave me this motor, pump and ram along with hoses. The motor was seized solid and when opened up it could be seen why. Must have spent some time in water. With the application of plenty of Pocket Rocket I managed to get it apart. After a good clean up and wash in petrol, bearings checked for wear (both ok) it was reassembled. Electrics are not my forte, but I have a mate who is an ex BT engineer. So off I went to him. He checked it out then attached it to a battery. Ran like a good 'un in both directions. Today I decided to see where it could be fitted. The best place was amidships, 'tween engine and hood stand. So a bit of measuring, a mounting plate made and below is the result. Now all I have to do is workout where to mount the ram and how to connect to the slot hitch. And then see if it will lift the plough. No problem. PS. No Chris, you can't have it back.
  2. 2 points

    Well, well Nigel

    Seems you have been hiding something in the shed.
  3. 2 points
    on saturday i mounted the gutbrod lift linkage, ( ) and did not like it one little bit, but as this is a joint project i left it on for ian to see today, (hence its now on ebay ) anyway today i made a new exhaust so out came the trusty wheel barrow again why i was doing all this ian hit all the wiring and got rid of all the crap we dont need and sorted the dynastart out ( it was full of water ) we are getting nearer to starting the engine now, it hasnt run in years.
  4. 2 points

    C-120 refurb.

    Wheel conversion all done and dusted now. A bonus is the steering is a tad lighter.
  5. 1 point

    Petro Chug-A-Drill

    A rare find in the UK, a pair of Petro Chug-A-Drills, I was going to put these in the other Chug-A-Drill thread but they are not yet restored. Unfortunately there is only one tank between the two & it's badly crushed! No other damage though and both are free to turn over. David
  6. 1 point

    Ransomes MG2 number 137

    This week so far I have rebuilt the track load rollers with new bearings and seals,, final drive output shafts and hubs new bearings and seals, rebuilt the cooling fan, rubbed down filled and painted all the red bits, finished all the bolt on blue bits, made up some new track tensioners and generally made a mess of my workshop. Gradually sorting through the pile of rusty nuts and bolts that came with 137 matching what I need to the parts list, where practical I am re using clean existing nuts and bolts but any that are badly damaged by rust or past abuse I am replacing with new. Chris at vintage brass plates is making up a new set of id plates for the body and a new plate for the Sturmey Archer engine, Titch is making up a set of decals for the body. 137 had scroll decals on either side which I guess are from lawnmowers and sadly no decal on the tank front so tempting though it is to add a few more for looks I am currently sticking with what is shown in the period photos. The same goes for things like mudguards over the track rollers and wear plates protecting the final drive casings, both of which were added to the 1937 models.
  7. 1 point
    Morning all, yep the rear linkage just had to go.. It put a bit of "ugly" back on HG (Horse Gut) and we just couldn't have that could we The electrics which looked a mess wasn't to bad once I had removed all the bits that were not needed such as indicators, horn and headlamps which had side and main beam! As Nigel mantioned the Dynostart was full of water, but once drained and dried out the water does not seam to of done any damage which was quite lucky. It would of been nice to of kept the original Gutbrod ignition barrel and key, but alas the barrel was a it past it.. So I fitted an odd WH barrel I had kicking about the place. Just a simple "on" "off" and "start" sort of barrel.. As for the engine.. Well, it want's to run but won't quite.. It trys to run but is having problems with over fueling.. I will have the carb apart again tomorrow to see if I missed any muck hiding away, but the carb is quite worn with plenty of spindle play, so a carb swap may be in order at some point. Sorry for the lack of photo's, we were too busy (enjoying the build) to take any
  8. 1 point

    Stihl Cutquik TS 08

    Made a bit of progress on this project today. Got the main parts primed and painted. After doing this I thought i'd better check out the chainsaw to see if it was savable. Fourtunatley it is good everywhere the disc cutter is bad so it will be full steam ahead with the rebuild.
  9. 1 point

    C-120 refurb.

    I got the trailer stub axles I've been waiting for this morning. So this afternoon I was able to start the front wheel conversion. First thing was to modify the stub axles. The spigot on the end was cut down to 1/2" long then bored out 3/4" by 1" deep. Next remove the existing front wheels and modify the axles. These were shortened to 3/4". The modified stubs were located on the cut down axle and wheels put on to see how things looked. Things looked ok so axles removed and stubs welded to them. Then everything put back together. Still to paint, grease and adjust, but I think it doesn't look bad. Though I did find the left hand wheel has a slight run out.
  10. 1 point

    C-120 refurb.

    Got the rear tyres fitted today. For £10 why struggle? Got the lift cable fitted as well. 3mm stainless with a plastic coat. Also a photo' of the brake pedal stop. Not very good to see, but best I could do. Pedal came a long way back. Just made out of a piece of alli' angle cut to suit.
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