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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    History repeating itself

    Almost a year to the day heres last years holiday pic and now this years
  2. 1 point


    Took the holder into the woods for a play and a bit of logging
  3. 1 point

    peerless transaxle overhaul

    Brave man! By the look of it you have a Peerless VST205 transaxle. Countax were the first OEM to fit that box in the UK and it was an unmitigated disaster. Your Hayter is possibly from a batch of machines made for them by Countax - standard K or C series machines painted green and usually with Kohler engines. The attached service bulletin makes the point that dealers were advised not to undertake repairs but to swap out the complete box. The lack of quality control was such that some boxes never gave problems while others failed within days of being put to use . Sometimes a replacement box was so rough that it never left the workshop. Our record was two consecutive dud warranty replacements before finding one that we would let go back to the customer. The claim that they didn't need a tow/dump valve was a bit wide of the mark and it wasn't long before they were produced with a mechanical disconnect kit to make it possible to move the machines without engine power. Needless to say, Countax only used that box for one season. This may be of interest https://www.dropbox.com/s/6b6x1ihhrcns33q/Peerless VST2050001.pdf?dl=0 I think that I have some info somewhere - I'll have a look. Edit Here's some more https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pt795l6vksh1c7/PEERLESS 205vst Update0001.pdf?dl=0
  4. 1 point


    Picts of the lake
  5. 1 point

    Happy Christmas.

    Santa gave me the tri-rib's I asked for .I also got some spanners for my toolbox . Joseph
  6. 1 point


    If you look close you can see the Holder from our drone
  7. 1 point

    Farmer's Boy Light Tractor and Attachments

    'One nib' countersunk bolts arrived today! Didn't have much time this morning before I had to go get ready for work Today was widely reported to be the busiest day of the Christmas period with a supposed 12 million vehicles travelling 20 miles or more! Thankfully my area of responsibility wasn't too bad, and nothing major happened to interrupt Christmas travel! Anyways....... half an hour was spent fitting the plough shear. Plough is just needing the washers and securing pins refitting to the hitch.
  8. 1 point
    Gradually making a bit more progress with the attachments........ Most the green bit are now painted and have started on the red/orange parts. I forgot to take the 'sample' to match the colour..... Ooops! However, I took a gamble and chose what I thought was a close match......... Not a bad guess, eh?
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