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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2017 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Wheel Horse RJ-58

    Well after quite a delay with the shipping company, I get a call asking where we live... followed by "oh Sh1t, I'll call you back...." I hopped on the quad thinking he was lost and I'll find him first. Quad was the wrong mode of transport and not man enough for the job... He got got stuck in the bottom of the village, and I had to pull him out. Anyway, he dropped a pallet off and there's only one way to move a pallet up here might leave it for Ewan to unpack when he's next home.... unless he really wants some more pics....
  2. 3 points

    Someone's nicked the greenhouse.

    Unfortunately, where the path ends in front of the studio door, it tends to hold water after heavy rain. So the time has come when I have finally to do something about it. Today a start was made. Arranged with my mate Dunc for him to come over with his digger, so a drain could be installed. This would run the length of the front garden, across the front of the house to the drive gate. Dunc couldn't get over till afternoon, so I installed the grid at the path end and started to dig by hand. The soil removed was transported away with the C-81 and Saxon trailer. By the time Dunc arrived, I had dug the length of the house and shifted two trailer loads. Remembered a couple of photo's for the Showman. More to follow. Sorry about the photo quality. Rushed them to get Dunc back in the digger after he jumped out to pose.
  3. 2 points

    Restored Paul Bunyon chainsaw

    Chainsaw now at the Mower Centre waiting for a chain
  4. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Wheel Horse RJ-58

    Thanks to Chris who mentioned Harry was selling it and to Harry for selling it to me I am now the proud owner of an RJ-58. It needs a lot of work and parts but i'm looking forward to this restoration!
  5. 1 point

    Project Budget Sachs Diesel Howard Gem.

    Yesterday I had my contact come back to me. Apparently this Gem was built on 10/03/1962 and dispatched to W.Wood Ltd in Horsham on 16/03/1962. The pleasing thing is the engine is still the original factory fitted one.
  6. 1 point

    Project Budget Sachs Diesel Howard Gem.

    Managed to make a bit more progress. The front of the bonnet has been beaten back into shape, the crack and the grille welded up. Then after stripping all the paint off I started on my most hated job, - filling! The air filter has started to take shape as well. It will just need a skim of stopper, which I will apply when I do the bonnet. When checking images on google to make sure I got the profile right I discovered that there is two types of bonnets fitted to Sachs Gems. I also received my refurbished injector back this morning, apparently the nozzle and spindle was shot. Came in at £56 with the carriage so not too bad. When it stops raining, it will get a coat of paint to prevent it from rusting.
  7. 1 point

    Wheel Horse RJ-58

    Glad you got it ok in the end.
  8. 1 point

    Restored Paul Bunyon chainsaw

    New arrival this afternoon, many thanks to David (factory) It's cleaned up really well, off to see John Cruse at the Mower Centre tomorrow for a chain
  9. 1 point

    Someone's nicked the greenhouse.

    Too frightened I expect.
  10. 1 point

    Someone's nicked the greenhouse.

    Bit of an update. She has now moved in and given it a name. The Hutch. Still some bits to do on the outside. Name plate up and the hay rake rescued from John's, painted and hung. The artist at work. The view from the door.
  11. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Two more Turbairs turned up today, one is O&R powered the other one is a later model called a Turbair Fox.
  12. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Nice score. Too bad it must have sat out side or in a damp area for a while. Apparently a previous owner decided he didn't want all that poison spraying on himself when blowing it upwind. First one I've seen with the newer style recoil and housing. Curious about that expanded metal for a debris screen in the recoil too. Don't remember ever seeing that before either.
  13. 1 point

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Bought another Turbair at Haddenham Steam Rally yesterday, I assume the square backplate and cowling are not original fitments ??
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