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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2018 in all areas

  1. 7 points

    Yeah, it snowed... a lot!

    We got more than we expected...
  2. 2 points

    Sisis discs from the Showman

    Don't paint the discs. They should be shiny. Good polish and a coat of oil
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point

    Sisis discs from the Showman

  5. 1 point
    Yesterday I collected a front blade/snow plough and a lawn sweeper from a fellow forum member. This morning as it was very wet here I took the opportunity to have a go at fitting the blade, all went well other than a bit of head scratching when I realised the adjusting arm wouldn't fit as it was fouling on the brake pedal. After a short while I realised if I took off the rod guide eyelet and release lever and turned the entire arm so that the dog leg is facing inward (the opposite to how it was) it would fit perfectly, it does. One pin was missing for the lift but luckily I found one of the correct diameter in my box of bits, it just had to be cut to length and drilled for the R pin. Off I went and pushed up the rather large compost heap and was very pleased with the performance. I also assembled the lawn sweep and had a quick play, it works fine but the height adjustment kept jumping out, once again the box of bits was out, and stronger spring fitted and all is well. I also received on Friday my freshly fabricated Clevis hitch which my Uncle started to copy from his original about five years ago! He's made a nice job of it and after a few adjustments to my Mouldbord Plough I was running in some half respectable furrows, I'm even considering entering my local clubs Ploughing match later this year.
  6. 1 point

    Not a Lot.

    Ah yes the days of drift jumping. I had a friend about 35 yrs. ago when we really got a lot of snow off Lake Ontario. He had an old 60's Chevy wagon beater that he rammed the roads with during winter. He reinforced the front rad area and when we got some good snow ,we pile about 8 of us in there and a few cases of beer and go Drift Jumping or Busting. Those Firestone Town and Country's got a workout!
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