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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    home made 20 press

    Having a quiet afternoon so I thought I would share some photos of my home made 20 ton air over hydraulic press. apart from buying the jack all the steel is whats been salvaged from other jobs or recycled. The first 5 photo are of the build then shot blasted and painted. cheers Jordon It has been a real bonus in the shop but decided rather than just press out stuff I would make a Brake press for folding so here are some picture of the Brake press attachment I have made now the press is real usefull. I did purchase some tooling real cheap, saved a lot of grinding. I have only tested it on 3mm thick 600mm long but it bends it with ease. Cheers Jordon
  2. 3 points

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I had a great day other than going to school. I got lots of lovely presents including a nice socket set from mum and dad. Alan, no dad has not started on my half-a-horse yet and he thanks you for suggesting it Andrew, this was my cake before dad started on it Joseph
  3. 3 points
    The Fife Plooman

    Scone rally Perth

    Hi all here are some pictures of our working day weather was very kind and glad the forecast was wrong some good comments Tam Tweedie was presented with the Nancy Little trophy the dogs had great fun as well hope you like More rally pictures also found a new toy and it works hope you like
  4. 2 points

    home made 20 press

    Cheers Anglo it does complement my Box Pan folder I salvaged from the scrap yard I had to make some new fingers, I am always amazed at what get scrapped luckily our local scrap or recycling centre knows what my fathers like, he does like a rummage down there once a month lol. Regarding everything else to hand I am trying to twist fathers arm for a Student lather and a milling machine Bridgeport type but its like getting blood out of a stone ha ha, joke he,s pretty good if the price is right (low). My latest project is a bead roller or swagger or Jenny so many different names for it I did originally make with a hand wheel but I am in the process of powering it with a 24 volt disability scooter motor but at present i am not quite getting the gearing right, father says perseverance my boy put it aay til the heads clear lol Will let you know when it right. Cheers Jordon
  5. 2 points

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy Birthday Joseph. Has dad started your little horse yet. ? You know you want one.
  6. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    All the Best, Joseph. Hope you have a good day and mum and dad have got you some nice presents.
  7. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy Birthday Joseph! Hope you enjoyed your birthday presents and what left of your birthday cake if your Dad not got there before you....
  8. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy birthday Joseph, I hope you had a good day Iain (Dad)
  9. 1 point
    Anglo Traction


    Quality work Alan and good clear Macro pics .
  10. 1 point
    Anglo Traction


    I just love that Drummond , I only wish I had the time, space and ability to do it justice. Hope it finds a decent home
  11. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy birthday Joseph hope you've had a great day See you for a catch up in a couple of weeks
  12. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy birthday joseph
  13. 1 point
    the showman

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    Happy birthday Joseph, hope you have a great day.
  14. 1 point

    1966 Bolens 850

    All of the new wires are here now for the new loom I just need to make it . Still had no luck with an ignition switch for it .
  15. 1 point


    Another little update after another delay. Too many things to do. Who said retired people have plenty of spare time. The hood catches which started off as 3/16" diameter car brake pad pins. An alloy sleeve pressed on, drilled 1/16" for a short piece of wire, then the domed head turned off. 1/2" ID alloy box section was pop rivited to the inside of the hood after drilling for the pins. A nut and bolt held it in place while drilling for the rivits. Another 1/16" hole was drilled for the retaining R clip after careful measurement to make sure it was in the correct place. It was. More measurement and head scratching then the excess was cut from the pins and the ends chamfered. When closing the hood the pins slide down slightly angled plates before popping into holes near the base. These plates can be seen on this earlier photo of the dash panel. The pins are sprung into place by springs, what else, taken from AA size battery boxes. These were inserted into the alloy box first, then compressed with special tool which I carefully designed then made, allowing room for the pin to pass through. OK, a piece of scrap alloy with a slot filed in it did the job. It was a pig of a job to hold the compressed spring, hold the pin steady, and insert the R clip, while trying avoid it pinging off into the distance. If the R clip had been long enough to protude outside the alloy box it would have been easier. The clip can be seen to the left, the rivits to the right. A washer between the clip and spring would have been better but I gave up trying to fit one. Kept going awol. The parts almost ready to be fitted. Works as intended although just as easy to pull the bottom corners of the hood out slightly which releases the pins.
  16. 1 point


    A few more bits, large and small, lurking in and around the various sheds near where the Selig lathe came from. Added with permission of the owner. A large Drummond lathe about 6 foot long. No idea of the model, plus a hefty looking Harrison. Forgot to check the swing of these two. Not much room to get good photo's. A wood turning lathe, band saw, and hidden under the blue tarps a wood planer. Can't remember what the green machine in front of it is. A surface grinder and what we think is some sort of guillotine or maybe metal bender. This has a double ended V shaped blade which slides sideways. Pillar drill and wood mortiser. Lots of assorted wood planes and a nice boxed Record 405 multi plane. I think the owner said there were more of these, or similar, stored away. And finally three large stationary engines. A Bamford and two of which I have forgotten the make. Some of the larger machinery look as if they were installed first, then the sheds build around them. Lots more smaller bits and pieces scattered everywhere. If anyone interested in any of the above, just shout.
  17. 1 point
    Just spent the weekend at a working weekend organised by my local vintage tractor club for members only. Its mostly big tractors but they always welcome me with the Wheelhorse's and give me plenty of room to play. Friday I arrived and set up the caravan in a good flat spot, Saturday I was up early and fitted my trusty auto-culto plough and went to the working field, after a few runs it was time for a cuppa and lunch. Most of the afternoon was spent using a plough I've never used before but I was very pleased with it just needs a few mods. Saturday evening was spent at the BBQ which was great with plenty of food and puddings, lots of banter and very enjoyable. Sunday was a chill out day with bacon rolls for breakfast cooked on the barby and plenty of tea and more chatting, finally got to the field with the tiller before they started cooking sausages for lunch. In all a very enjoyable weekend with loads of playing and seat time amongst some nice people. Heres a couple of photos I managed to take.
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