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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points


    Park bench is now finished and back in it's place on the green. It could do with three more slats in the seat, but that was all the wood I had. One day it may get some if I come across some suitable wood. 
  2. 1 point


    In the back of the workshop I've had some iron garden seat ends, that I painted a few years ago. Finally decided to do something with them. So some beech beams from a ship I've also had lying around, (The beams not the ship), found their way to a neighbours who's a joiner. There they were cut into strips to make seat slats. I then gave them three coats of yacht varnish. Today I put everything to gether. Carol is well pleased as she likes a variety of places to sit. Next on the list was the bench we have out on the green. It was an old park bench that was given to us some years back. About 20 I think. I'd done it up then, but the years have taken their toll. That soon ended up like below with the aid of the chainsaw. So it looked like this. After a couple of hours it is now ready for some paint.  To be continued. 
  3. 1 point


    Ok Alan. Just pop up with some.
  4. 1 point


    Another nice one Norm. Lots of well worn benches in our local park if you get bored.
  5. 1 point
    Anglo Traction


    Hope these aren't an incentive to be sitting down on the jobs Norm! .............But,.... nothing to stop you stress testing them on a warm day with a beer or two!.
  6. 1 point

    Kohler v twin 18hp

    I agree. That's something that gets neglected.
  7. 1 point

    O&R parts list

    Super info David and Clint! David, I could post an inventory list. I would be open to selling the whole lot. My problem is the pricing and descriptions are a time consuming treasure hunt for me. I also would like parts to be available for those who need them for their units and Ebay seems a good way. And yes I would be willing to ship over seas. I quit that when shipping overseas (and here!) got so costly. I will amend my shipping to include the UK. Do you sell parts to UK collectors?
  8. 1 point

    Kohler v twin 18hp

    I’d certainly check the heads for flatness but also re- torque them cold after a few hours of running.
  9. 1 point

    Kohler v twin 18hp

    While the heads off, be an idea to check it for flatness.
  10. 1 point

    Drive Belt help needed please

    We have been using PIX Kevlar belts recently with good results. A couple of sellers on the usual auction site
  11. 1 point

    Tarpen generator

    Progress has been slow on this of late as I am trying to sort out my Cortina so it is back on the road for summer. I had a go at annealing the sealing ring, not sure if I got it hot enough with my little blowtorch but fingers crossed. I split the air filter/choke by grinding away the folded-over edge and drilling out the centre rivet, then straightened it out as best I could. I then welded a new lever on the inner piece. welding it back together was a pain, it kept catching the inner so I had to grind the weld off and start again. It ended up looking a bit dog-eared so I wrapped some metal pipe insulation tape around it. I did manage to have a couple of hours on it this afternoon, it now looks like this. next job is to clean out the fuel tank and then it will be a case of seeing if it will actually run. I now seem to be sharing my limited workshop space with one of my O/Hs projects...
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