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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    the showman

    Sevac working weekend.

    Sorry about my height Norm, next time I’ll stand on the bonnet and take them for you.
  2. 2 points
    Hi all, One of the kids who work for me picked up this little generator at an estate auction. It didn't run but was together (unsure if complete) when he bought it. He took it to a local small engine shop and as you'll see from the pics, came back in a box. So now it's my project and I've never worked on anything like this before. Stampings are: Type 111 on the exhaust side, 048537 on the carb side, and a large 11 or II on the pto end. I've scoured this forum and have seen lots of tiny tigers but this one appears to be older and with a different alternator than the tigers. The diaphragm looks homemade, the spring roller is missing (I found the ball wedged under the spring thankfully), the felt washer and cup for the recoil are missing, obviously the recoil doesn't work, but everything else seems to be accounted for. I have managed to put the recoil back together and ready to go back in, the carburetor body and parts I have are all cleaned up. I'm wondering if i can just cut down a diaphragm for a bigger carb or if the material will be too thick. I'm working on tracking down needle rollers of the right diameter to use for the spring roller but not sure how much luck I will have. I have no idea what to do about the missing recoil parts. Any suggestions or advise you may have would be great. Thanks! Just some additional pics...
  3. 1 point
    the showman

    Sevac working weekend.

    First day at the working weekend with the new plough, work's ok just needs a bit of fine tuning.
  4. 1 point
    Jonny Smith

    Markham tractor wanted.

    I am looking for a running Markham tractor that is hopefully UK registered. Colt Deluxe or W.H.Y please? Best, Jonny
  5. 1 point
    Hi Stormin, Thanks for the welcome! I'll go post something in intros after this. I'm a bit further down the country that you: I'm just outside Nottingham. I had a good look on that site and other parts of t'interwebs for a manual. I must be looking in the wrong place as I've yet to get my paws on an actual chassis guide or similiar. I can find one for attachments and the engine, but sadly, not the bit I'm looking for. I've been searching using the R26 or 2-2651, but no joy as yet! As to a photo, would a video be okay? It's not the original engine, but everything else seems pretty old school. What happened to the original engine I've no idea, but given the age of the mower, I'm impressed by the build quality. BTW, apologies for the lawn damage: I'm going to give my two rescue greyhounds a firm look to killing the grass off :-) Wheelhorse R26.mp4
  6. 1 point
    First off, Richard. I don't have any details for you, but it you visit our sister forum, https://www.wheelhorseforum.com/ You should find the info' you require in the manuals section. How about introducing yourself in the introduction section on here. Tell us a little about yourself and where you are. Who knows, there maybe a member/members near you. BTW. We do like photo's of members machinery.
  7. 1 point
    the showman

    Sevac working weekend.

    Day 2. It's a long way to the tea trailer. The day was spent drinking tea, socializing and a tidy up in the field with the rotavator over my ploughing.
  8. 1 point

    Martin Markham

    Welcome to MOM. I have both the colt and the colt deluxe. Finding the gears sometimes is a bit all over the place and there is Hi and low range for the colt deluxe version. I myself don’t have any spare parts for them unfortunately however I do have manuals and the original factory parts diagrams should you need any information. Harry
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