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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    hi does anyone have a trojan mk4 for sale
  2. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sad times Ian, we had some good times in the shack and loved bring part of some of your crazy schemes! the shop might be closing, but the legend lives on... give me regards to Mandy. Really need to get down and see you soon.
  3. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    You have left a sizable legacy here and should be proud of that, we all have to move on, it's a fact of life. Concentrate on the family and your health, Hoping that happiness will follow .
  4. 1 point

    "Found this", she said.

    Don't leave it running too long Norm. You don't want another flooded lane do you. ?
  5. 1 point

    "Found this", she said.

    SWMBO came home from her evening walk round the block with our neighbour. "We've found this", she said. Showing me an old kitchen tap. "It would look nice by the pond". Anyway, after some thought and scratting about, I came up with the feature below. That should get me some Brownie points.
  6. 1 point
    Hi Ian , Shame you're having to downsize and localise your operation. It's hard having to deal with these kinds of serious blows. As mentioned when we last met up, I know exactly what you and and especially your wife have gone through. I've been doing the same with machines and W/Horses where I only play with small light work now and enjoy the space I now have, but I had a choice, where you perhaps have not. Chin up and just tick over within your limits. Best wishes for you both.
  7. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Yes ime sorry to see you go Ian we have had a lot of laughs over the years and both done some mad things, but I have watched your struggle every day, and I agree you are doing the right thing by going to smaller projects that you can manage, the only problem is my workshop has just got a lot bigger and ime supposed to be slowing down as well😂
  8. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    I can only echo the sentiments and best wishes of the others, I have had more than my own share of issues over the last year and now find myself faced with the same decision, having spent many hours enjoying the crazy but technical builds you have put together you will be sorely missed. All the very best to you and your wife.
  9. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sorry to hear of your troubles Ian. Don't know you as well as others but liked following your posts and will continue when the new workshop is up and running. Best wishes to you and the Mrs.
  10. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sorry to hear this news Ian, kept meaning to pop down to deepest Hawkhurst and see you and Nigel Hope all goes well mate, keep in touch Paul and Wendy
  11. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Very sorry to hear about the traumatic time you and your better half have been having Ian. It's been a pleasure to have met you and to follow your crazy builds. The memory of driving your Honda V twin powered creation, will stay with me as long as I can remember. Wishing you both all the best and hope to see you next time I make it down south.
  12. 1 point
    the showman

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    I’m so shocked and surprised to read this Ian i was almost in tears as i read this to Pam. Its a big decision to make and I’ve been close to it myself over the last few months as you know with Pams Health and family problems. I like to think we’ve had some fun over years and I’ve enjoyed your builds ( and driving them ) as well as the videos. If you need any help or just want to chat I’m only a phone call away and if your down my way you’re always welcome to coffee. Best wishes to you and your other half Mate and take care. Chris & Pam.
  13. 1 point

    Wheel Horse Lawn Sweeper.

    The rear castor's plastic rollers were starting to show their age. So I decided to make two new ones. A nice piece of oak was cadged of a joiner friend and rollers turned up in the lathe. I think they should last a while.
  14. 0 points

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Yes you did read that right!. You may or may not of noticed I've not been on this fine forum in over 6 months.. One of those moments that makes you put life on hold happened. That moment was when my Wife was told she had breast cancer!! 6 months of tears, tests, scans, radiotherepy and sheer panic later she thankfully came out the otherside cancer free (not cured as there is no cure).. During that 6 months as you would expect I didn't spend much time in the workshop, and when I was there I wasn't really getting anything done... It's taken a while to admit defeat, but my body just can't cope with the pain that building "big" stuff creates.. I just can't do it anymore! The next step up painkiller wise would turn me into a zombie , somewhere I've been before and DON'T want to go again.. So, I've given notice at the workshop and have been gathering materials to build (with a lot of help) a small workshop in my garden to do "smaller" bits of engineering.. I will post a new thread about a small project that I managed to do that I enjoyed making so much it's kinda pointed me in the direction I should go... So yes, UkWheelHorseBloke is hanging up he's spurs, but he will still be making videos of the things I'm building
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