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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. The electric guitar spoof was hilarious!
  2. Looks like I'm ordering new plugs - probably need them anyway
  3. Rc12yc in both of mine. No idea of length of protrusion
  4. Had three more days on the workshop, lots of action, not enough pics though... Planing the rough sawn timber for the doors A misty start to the day on Saturday Cutting the mortises Gluing the first door frame, trailer makes a good work bench. A fine start to the day yesterday First door hung, second door glued up, still the panels to nail in!
  5. most old tractors don't show on the DVLA, I've had difficulty tracking a lot of old stuff we used to have
  6. Almost... It's not been as quick as I hoped... It's cold now Chris, as Norm says yes it will be insulated Hopefully not!
  7. Got another wall plastered and some more sockets and lights in on Friday night. Next jobs are the big front doors and some insulation in the roof, the weather has turned and it's pretty cold and misty most days on the edge of the moors.
  8. Nice machine, was hoping to see it in action... Plenty of pheasant round here to test it on
  9. Winning just... Ewan sent me a few more pics, I've added a mezzanine for further junk storage
  10. There's a video somewhere...
  11. I made my own, just bought 5/8 spherical bearings and pressed them in.
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