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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. meadowfield

    I'm in!

    Some of you know I've been looking to move for over a year, I finally made it last Friday. So now we are out in the countryside just a few miles from Malham. Scenery fantastic, modern conveniences lacking... We are on bottled water, no mobile, Internet or phone line. And get hot water from a tap if I leave the heating on full! Huge plus side, no neighbours, lots of countryside, land and areas to play We've been busy pla...tidying for the last few days. Here's a few pics, I know some of you like them there's videos too, but currently on free wifi and dont have time.
  2. Seems like only months since my little boys sat in my quad for this shot. 12 years later, I took the same shot! God I feel old
  3. Fab photos Ian, maybe I'll make it next year
  4. Oh no, did Chris give him his money back Looks a good turnout, no mention of any high speed testing of why not....
  5. It can only be a reversed connection, or the back of the starter has been turned 180 deg
  6. I usually go for the 3x2, and then leg it...
  7. it's a mean critter - we had a lot of issues in the 80's. It's just started making the headlines here again
  8. was thinking the same - once you've done it 20 times it's simple. But starting from scratch it is a little tricky
  9. I know - it's the joke we have here with them. Our neighbour just about hangs in on dairy farming... We have serious issue in the UK with supermarkets like tesco setting the price of milk - not the farmers. In many cases they are forced to sell at a loss Norm, if you think I was having a go at farmers - quite the reverse!!! My dads mate farms 7 days a week, 365 days and to actually make any money is a haulier in the gaps in between. One thing I will say though, he could have retired on the scrap he has when it £250 a ton. It's currently £80 a ton...
  10. I know, it's easier to not bother than even try. Though for all the poor hard done farmers I know - due to poor milk prices and tax, they all have some pretty nice kit... 100k tractors, 100k harvesters, 40k teleporters, trailers, spreaders and shiny new land rovers so they obviously make just enough to pay for them...
  11. farmers can apply for some of the common agriculture policy pot... but we probably spend most of it appeasing french farmers and putting fires out on the channel tunnel tracks
  12. show offs!!! I'm gonna make a tractor with a motorbike engine in ...damn it's been done before
  13. no better near us, farmer sell milk at cost and the EU give them some money back!
  14. you can buy a roll of enameled wire from maplin and rewind them and use a small motorbike coil if you aren't out for authenticity... My dad has rewound a lot of villiers coils to cure the issue
  15. Some of you know I'm in the process of moving house, it's a long tedious affair both with solicitors and estate agents wasting my time and money! It's also taking a lot of running around moving the workshops and horses.... The first 6 loads kinda got us to this stage A few of the horses are in their new home. 8 x 1.5t trailer loads - and a puncture got us to this Rather than tip all the stone we have excavated over 13 years, we are moving it 15 miles up the road and it is hard work. Still a lot more to move this week, hopefully the other horses will be in the new stable by Friday.
  16. As Richard says, they are far from precision! I would just give them a good clean and pack them with grease. We've had a lot more hours than I imagined from ours after cleaning... Even now they are a little rough, but functional!
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