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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. Another £100 or so lighter after import, I finally got fed up of the oil slick on the workshop floor and ordered this. Looks like an engine rebuild is now on the cards
  2. your engine is governed for speed consistency and power output, the top end revs is set by the governor. If you adjust the mixture to make it rev more all it will do it make the head hotter and valves burn... If you adjust the governor to get the revs up you will inevitably break the crank, con rod or bend the valves (when they hit the piston) Don't do it !
  3. neat attachment, didn't know you could get them!
  4. Today's update, after being 12 nuts short of a full packet you can stop picking on me. A quick zap in my magic tank And voila, shiny nuts
  5. The ammonium chloride, and zinc chloride are part of a kit I managed to buy. The bits separately were more expensive than paying for a packaged kit. The expensive bit that helps is a really good power supply. The hardest bit is the cleaning, everything has to be spotless, the plating then takes 30 mins If they are small enough and spotless, you are welcome to see the results! About £80, not including the power supply Neil
  6. You are a lucky chap! Enjoy it
  7. Does Norm have a camera Chris?
  8. Hmm I was thinking Tom as well....
  9. I've been a big fan of e tanks for a while now, they are great labour saving items and work wonders on all manner of things. Here's my small setup on the bench cooking small pieces for bendy. These were lug nuts with 45w of power running through them, you can't see the gassing - but a reasonable amount of hydrogen was being given off So this is only one half of the set up... I looked into electro plating years ago and just couldn't lay my hands on the correct electrolyte. It was a bit Heath Robinson even by my standards About 6 months ago my brother managed to source a kit and has had some pretty good results tarting up parts on his range rover. So I bought the chemicals and some zinc before Xmas. So now the other half is my plating rig, parts go in rusty or bare metal and come out shiny and fairly rust resistant. The camera doesn't do it justice on some of the pieces. Here's a few bits we've done Which means bendy can actually get 5 bolts per wheel, when I get them all cleaned
  10. awesome work Ian, I like big bits of metal taking shape!
  11. didn't realise the pedal was broken there! thats a different place to usual
  12. meadowfield

    narrow det

    Sweet, shame there aren't that many over here
  13. Neat, a lot easier to transport too...
  14. Was looking forward to a picture of breakfast.... Nice engines btw
  15. Looking the dogs danglies Ian
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