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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. Well we are here once again at the last show of the year for us. Yesterday was a good day, everything setup, good weather and a walk into town for a few beers. BBQ lit by 7, and then 10 hours of torrential rain! I mean torrential... We have been jinxed this year. Some of the pics I've seen are not pleasant at all, it's meant to be summer Anyway, C4 is here and two little rangers, will get some pics on later
  2. Nice, but about 17 months early, we cover one per month starting at A. Will delete in a few days, thanks for posting though...
  3. Well you have to put the half link in! Otherwise it won't join....
  4. good luck! btw where were those idlers from?
  5. You can split them by drilling out the welds. It's just getting the right bearing from then on...
  6. we took one like that off an old howard rotavator I think... or was the input chain drive on those?
  7. Neil, You can weld it, but you need to preheat the castings and try a disimmilar rod if you arc weld it. I've had reasonable success with the mig and mild steel, but never really tried breaking something I welded. I've got a small plough to weld up, will let you know how if goes.
  8. James is right, just to test I used a drill.... The real power plant is a magnum 16
  9. Bang tidy, looks fab!
  10. My little huskies used to scare the bejesus out of me, I wouldn't go near something that big!
  11. Just needs the V8 engine Assuming you have seen those videos....
  12. Looking good Charlie, glad the advertising works. The link is in the posts above for anyone else wanting a sticker or two
  13. ha, is it a husky, lawnfilte or MF ? I've two NOS of the steering pivots that I was going to use on my 4WD conversion. Guessing they are 3 stud wheels?
  14. Our final rally of the year in the North of England, one of the finest featuring around a 100 steamers. Also home of the 100 ton pull There's a good auction on the saturday morning and a road run that takes a few hours in the evening, well worth a visit if you can make it!
  15. Just booked our annual holiday - lastminute.com So will be there on the wednesday/thursday if anyone is around. What days are you going Neil? sounds like a good excuse for a pint and a natter... Wonder if Andy is going???
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