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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. We've an old tricycle that Carol wants me to restore. I'll have to get a start on it now.
  2. Number one grandson's fiancé got left we us for the afternoon. She showed great interest in the tractors. She doesn't drive, so some instruction on driving was done. Someone else had to get into the act.
  3. I'd call it the clutch back plate. The lined plate, the friction plate.
  4. I'll rebuild this one sometime, thanks Nigel. I'll know it's ok then.
  5. I can also see the cracks. 12 o'clock 1st and 2nd photo's and 3 o'clock and 9 in 3rd photo. I'd bin it.
  6. I think that's a bit early Chris. There's 8 weeks to go from that date.
  7. Finished stripping it down today. Also opened up the engine. This how things are now. And what came out of the engine. The crank is lightly scored, so a regrind is need there. The bore looks ok, but a bit of a lip at the top. So new conrod, rings etc and a regrind, plus maybe a rebore. The sump had about 2mm of sludge in the bottom. When it had its last oil change is anyones guess. I think the engine will be shelved for now, as I may not be using it. Also looks like I'm going to have to open the gearbox. The gear lever will move for and aft, but not side to side. Anyway, with all the water that came out, I think I'd better take a look and give the internals a good clean.
  8. I found that out when the front wheels came up when I tried to lift it off.
  9. It'll be nothing exotic. No more wheels or all wheel drive. Just something simple. I hope!
  10. Well done, Chris. That should get well admired.
  11. A little while ago I acquired this '75 Raider 10 with a side discharge cutting deck.. Unfortunately the engine threw a wobbly when I had a go at starting it. See my thread, "Another for the Stable". Today I decided the remove the engine. So onto the bench. I got a little carried away. A few other bits got taken off as well, as the engine oil drained. I don't know if the way the engine is bolted to the chassis is correct. Looks a bit odd to me. But no doubt some one will know. Engine out. While I was taking the engine out, I decide to drain the gearbox as well. There was oil in, or had been at sometime. About a cupful of milky fluid came out, followed by a copious amount of clear water. I reckon the box was full of it. Rather agricultural exhaust system. And an even more agricultural draw bar. I like the way the rear fender hinges up. Handy storage compartment underneath. Someone has been rather handy with a welder. Or not as the case may be. Sorry about the photo quality. Too close with my camera. But you get the picture. There were bolts in there as well. And another bit of useful welding. Idler pulley welded on. There was one or two other bodges as well. Mixture of imperial and metric fastenings and pop rivets in place of split pins. Fortunately, the tin ware is for the most part, in good condition. So at end of play, this is how the Raider looks now. Rather than put this as a rebuild, I've put it in projects. The reason being some mods will be made. Also I haven't a clue how it will evolve. Could take quite a while.
  12. Oh dear! That's what I found had happened with the C-121 when I got it. The needle roller bearings you can get. The main ball bearings are scarcer then rocking horse poo. I had the cases modified to take metric bearings. Look in my C-120 rebuild topic.
  13. Well done! Look good as they are. Maybe replace the torn seat. What models and years?
  14. You'll not be wanting to get it dirty now.
  15. Yeah! Would look good carrying a Bolens, with a sign saying "Bolens Recovery Specialist".
  16. Senility setting in early? Or to much pop?
  17. That looks great. The sides being removable will be handy.
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