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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. You'll not be short of space with those two.
  2. What's the bungee doing? Holding the doors shut?
  3. What's the frame on the front for, James? Mower?
  4. Looking good, Chris. I do mean the trailer of course.
  5. A year eh! Doesn't time fly when your enjoying yourself. Is that view from your back garden?
  6. Stormin

    Ransomes MG6

    Well done, Neil. Some lucky so and so's got a good machine.
  7. That looks very sturdily built. Last you a life time.
  8. How does the tank breath then, Nigel? Though thinking about it, I don't think my strimmer has a hole in the fuel cap.
  9. That's a rather big hole to my way of thinking. 1mm should be sufficient. If your brimming the tank, then yes, your putting to much in. But a photo would help.
  10. That's been in there since I got it 7 - 8yrs ago. How the leaves got in is any ones guess. Anyway, the days been well spent. I now know all three have clean tanks, pipes and carbs. They all also now have inline filters. I also checked my jerry cans. All clean.
  11. Having trouble with the Black Horse at the weekend and finding dirt in the fuel tank, I thought I'd check the other tractors tanks. The C-81's tank was spotless and though that has no filter on the tap, but an inline one, runs perfect. The C-125 does have a filter on the tap, but no in line one. Shone a torch in the tank and This is what I got out of it. I know one thing, there's nowt' wrong with the tap filter.
  12. I'll look. Thanks Koen.
  13. How do I update my signature add ons? Tractors etc. I don't seem to be able to find them in my profile.
  14. Showmen are allowed to tow more than one trailer.
  15. Is the plug wet when removed after trying to start it a few times? If not no fuel getting through. I know you've tried Easy Start but you may have a stuck valve.
  16. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Mmmmm! I think I'll have a look in the fuel tanks of the others. Not been giving problems, but they do have in line filters.
  17. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    The Black Horse started playing up at the HVC rally. Symptoms of dirt in the fuel. This afternoon got it up on the lift and removed the float bowl. Sure enough, fine particles of grit in there of what looked like rust. Shone a torch into the fuel tank, to reveal a layer of the same fine grit. Disconnecting the fuel line from the pump, I drained fuel into a couple of clean coffee jars. Came out nice and clean. I then removed the fuel tap and rubber bung it fits into. Draining the fuel into a large jug while shaking the tractor from side to side. This dislodged some of the grit and I repeated the operation about four times till all the grit was out and the tank inside was spotless. Though the filter on the tap is undamaged, some of the finer particles had found their way through when I'd started up to unload at the HVC rally. The fuel being well shaken about on the trailer. There is no filter in the fuel line, but soon will be. How the grit got into the plastic tank, I don't know? Over the last year the tractors been on trailers several times and given no trouble. I'm going to check my jerry can to see if I've got dirty fuel the last time I filled it. .
  18. I see it's being scrutinised in the seventh photo.
  19. Stormin

    Wheel Horse C105

    Thanks for putting up a photo, Mark.
  20. Is the pump driven by gear and toothed ring inside the wheel, Paul? A photo of the drive would be appreciated.
  21. Nice quick job, Paul. I think that drive chain could do with some t.l.c.
  22. I like the wheels on the swill bin.
  23. Carol can't drive the tractors.
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