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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Just for the Showman, who's been lazing in the sun all day. A couple of photo's of what I've been doing. Foundations for a 10ft x 10ft green house.
  2. Stormin


    Carol would like it.
  3. If I can get it on the trailer with the three horses and plough, it'll be at Newby.
  4. 18yrs old. That's been well looked after. You paid £50 for that trailer? You were robbed. Well some one was.
  5. That's a good find, Ryhs. Being complete, means copies of the parts Jonathan needs can be made as well. Be quite a sight, two sand skimmers side by side.
  6. Had a couple of early visitors just now.
  7. Dinky little thing. Didn't Pam ask if you if you could take more away?
  8. It only allows you one cup of tea, Chris. Not one every hour.
  9. The finished article. Couple of mods to do, sometime in the future. A better towing eye and a plate for the weights to sit on.
  10. Stormin


    That Marina is superb. As for the lathe, it looks very much the same as mine, which is an Atlas.
  11. Todays effort. The chassis may get another coat in the morning. The roller itself just got a quick spray over. It's not going to be a show piece after all. Tomorrow it will be re-assembled.
  12. That should fetch a bob or two on that auction site.
  13. Agricultural enamel covers quite well. Dries quite quickly as well. Tin or aerosol from an agriculture supplier.
  14. As I was painting the land roller, I decided to earn some brownie points and do a Round Tuit job. SWMBO is quite chuffed.
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