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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Mine does the same. Crap floating to the top.
  2. I bet you had to tread carefully with the grinder.
  3. Just tried that. Says it's be removed.
  4. Pathetic! Nigel should ask for his money back.
  5. I'd have put a carport from house to fence. Then put doors on each end later.
  6. I look after it free. Otherwise it would be overgrown. Plus only three properties round it and the bench on it is ours. Oh yes! I'm the Parish Councillor for our area.
  7. Some years back, I acquired a non running Mountfield B&S 11hp Ride on. Deck was mainly rust and well beyond recovery, but it would be ok for the grandkids to ride round the green on. I got it running, Fitted an old car battery under the seat. Threw some paint at it and the result is below. That's number 3 grandson. Now pushing 14 and nearly as tall as me. Back to the Mountfield. It has been covered up in a corner outside for about two years. At the forthcoming HVC rally we have an auction, so I thought it time to get rid of it. Into the workshop and up on the lift. Not expecting it to start or the battery even turn the engine, I turned the key. The engine flew round. Not bad for a battery that must be ten years old at least. So in with some go go juice and try again. Nothing and no spark. Plus the throttle/choke cable had broken. OK! It can go as is. So I left it on the ramp to do other things. Just before I knocked off at 4-30, I gave the key a turn in passing. The thing BURST INTO LIFE. Really made me jump as it blew the well rotten silencer end off as it started. Got me thinking should I keep it. But common sense says no. So off to auction it will go next weekend.
  8. Like it! Nothing will stick in that. No doubt the next one will be bigger and a twin axle.
  9. Stormin

    wheel horse

    There you are Chris. If Woz buys one, don't forget my commission.
  10. Stormin

    wheel horse

    Slight diversion on the way to Newby Hall, Chris. Or can you come up to Newby, Woz?
  11. Did you just rotovate it, Henry, or plough first?
  12. Don't forget a lid or the chickens will escape.
  13. Now a fifth wheel would be great with a twin axle trailer. But correct me if I'm wrong. has that already been mentioned?
  14. Re torqued the head bolts this morning and fitted the deck this afternoon. Cut the green and verges. Even the long grass between our pond and next doors drive. Performed splendidly, though the new exhaust makes things sound funny. Checked the oil and it doesn't seem to have used any.
  15. I doubt it will find it's way up here, but can you get ID numbers?
  16. Stormin

    wheel horse

    I use an Auto Culto plough with my C-121. So does the Showman.
  17. Head gasket arrived from Meetens yesterday. Today I got a piece of 6mm plate glass, free from a window installation firm in the nearby village. I then finished lapping the head. I then put everything back together, torqueing down the head bolts. I was going to put oil, fuel and refit the battery tomorrow. But things got the better of me, so I went out and did that after my dinner. That done, time to fire up. Only it didn't. No spark. What have I missed/done wrong methinks? Checked the wiring. All as it should be. I'd had the points out, cleaned and reset them but decided to have a look. Took the cover off, turned the key and off she went. Running like a good 'un. Put the cover back on. Just holding it and she stopped. Points shorting through the cover. So what had I done differently? Well, the points cover had had only the top screw fitted ever since I got it. When I'd had the points off, I fitted a screw into the bottom as well. Without that screw, the bottom of the cover stood slightly proud and was not shorting the points out. There's no screw in there now. Should there be a gasket, 'tween cover and engine? That sorted, I ran the engine for a while to warm up and reset the carb. Got a lovely sound at idle. Sweet as a knut. Spits a bit at full revs, but is drawing a bit of air where the exhaust fits to the manifold stub. Tomorrow I will re-torque the head bolts. The engine does smoke a little. but no worse than it did. Sometime in the future, I may give it a re-bore. But for now, I'm just happy it's up and running and can be put back to work. May even mow the green and really test it.
  18. Patience is a virtue. Seldom possessed by man and never by a woman.
  19. Is the gap under the door for the local cats?
  20. Give me a shout when you do, Jonathan. Be good to see the old girl under steam again.
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