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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Safety switch? What safety switch? I can see if the P.T.O. is engaged or not.
  2. That's not bad considering the ground. Just needs going over with disc's then rotavating.
  3. Pity we didn't know. we'd have been round for a brew.
  4. I made my own quick attach for the rear of my C-125. Simple to do.
  5. Don't really know what I'm going to do with it, Chris. Several ideas going through my head.
  6. Collected a '75 Raider 10 today with side discharge cutting deck. Engine supposedly OK, but gears cannot be selected. The idea is to eventually restore it, or make something special. The engine will go into the C-125 while the 12hp off that is rebuilt. Below photo's of as collected. Not to bad I suppose, seeing as it's been stood outside for a number of years. The deck has not fared as well. But I think it can be rescued eventually. First thing was to blow the tyres up to make it easier to push about. Next a good pressure wash. Strangely there's red paint under that blue. Then it was up onto the work bench. Just to see what would happen, I connected a battery. Turned the key and the engine spun easily. I did check the oil first. Cleaned and checked plug and points and got a nice healthy spark. Here is when I found throttle and choke cables/controls, very, very stiff. Never mind, choke fully open, throttle halfway, squirt petrol into the carb, turn key and...... It fired up and ran for a second or two. While I set too on the controls, I left the old petrol in the tank to drain. Have no idea how old it is, but I've never seen golden brown petrol before. Well, not out of a plastic tank. That's it for now.
  7. I thought I'd need a new exhaust valve, due to the state of it. But while collecting the Raider 10, the chap who I was getting it off, refurbished it for me. That's saved me a couple of bob.
  8. From America? That include postage?
  9. The Auto Culto's we have are good enough, Andrew. I doubt a Brinly would be any better.
  10. Thanks. I'll have a look, Chris . I need to get info on these Kholer engines. Never worked on one before.
  11. Took the engine out today after taking the head off. Bore looks good, but not measured it yet. Bit of wear on the valve side. Exhaust valve looks well past it's sell by date. Inlet is ok, as are both valve seats. Considering the state of the exhaust valve, I would have expected that to be bad as well. Pretty clean in there except round the exhaust valve. Head gasket was leaking oil. As was the other head gasket. Yes! You read that right. Two head gaskets. Head does look a little warped, front to back. Next, tractor off the bench and engine lifted out. Found another use for the ambulance I made for Newby Hall last year. Off for a wash. Nice and clean now.
  12. Compared it with the Black Horse, Koen. But with using oil and the suspect leak of head gasket, I think a look see inside is due.
  13. Good luck and enjoy yourself. If anyone laughs at you, ignore them. It'll just be ignorance.
  14. Solid bar and fulcrum does make a difference to the lifting.
  15. Old Faithfull, my C-125 Wheel Horse has taken a turn for the worse. I must have owned it for 5 - 6 years or maybe more. In that time it's got used for cutting the hamlet green and verges every year. Towing trailer loads of logs and rubbish. Though it used a bit of oil, it's never let me down. Until today. When I cut the green last week, it just didn't sound quite right. Seeming to struggle a bit. But I put it down to the grass being longish, (first cut) and a bit wet. Today, though it started straight off, when the deck was engaged the revs dropped a bit and power seemed lacking. As I finished it really started to mess about. Engine dying then speeding up. Fuel? Float bowl off and very little dirt in there. Back together and no difference. Spitting, coughing and backfiring. Maybe dirt in a jet? Hand over the carb throat at high revs. Nope! Getting hold of the engine pulley, I found I could turn the engine easily with one hand. Compression seeming non existent. There is also traces of oil between head and barrel. Time for an engine strip methinks. So I am now in the process of removing the engine. Monday I'll be collecting a rather rough Raider 10. But engine supposedly good. I'll get it running and see. If ok I'll fit it in the C-125 while I do up it's 12hp one.
  16. Convert the lift to a solid bar, Koen. That's what Mark and Ewan did to Ewans Wheel Horse. I've done the same with the Black Horse. No more cable problems.
  17. Bit more reorganisation done yesterday afternoon and this morning. Before. During. After. Blast cabinet is not staying there, but at least I can get at it if needed.
  18. When you've got it finished, Ewan, I'll have a Raider 10 you can do.
  19. Oh they're posh. Can you do some for me, Pleeease?
  20. Doesn't mention anything about Ransomes on the web site. Suggest you get in touch and ask them.
  21. Good luck, Koen. BTW. I do like that trailer.
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