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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. It's here instead, Mark. Fells have a good covering of snow.
  2. I don't know what the chap in the second photo did wrong to get his head knocked off. Coming on nicely Jonathan.
  3. Orders are now being taken for next Christmas. Handmade, original and totally unique. No two the same. Price on application.
  4. SWMBO has been busy knitting hats for the tribe for Christmas.
  5. Best be quick. You've plenty more on it's way and snow.
  6. I think you'd better explain what a mill lade is, George. The southern sasanachs won't know what you mean. And get your hand in your sporran and treat Kara to a bigger bed.
  7. Don't know where this one came from, but I've had it for years. It's painted because it sat on the kitchen extension roof for years. I think they'll be off walk behinds and you'd need narrow wheels/tyres. Hopefully someone will know off what.
  8. All the Best Vinntrow and Jimbo.
  9. That'll give someone I know ideas. Though he already has them.
  10. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    All in bits now, George. After a good look, think and trying the cylinder under, over here and there, I've decided the set up is the best I can hope for. The fuel tank position is the main problem. I could remove it and fit another like on the Ds, but I don't want to alter things to much. I'll get a cylinder kit, then see how things go.
  11. That's 'cos we have real history.
  12. Sad news. Condolences to you and your family.
  13. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Page 21, George. A few photos on there.
  14. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    I did think of mounting it underneath at first, but didn't know where it was originally. I'm going to have a way up of things today. Got plenty to think about now.
  15. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Mmmm! Pulleys? Something else to think about.
  16. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Just isn't the room really. While the cylinder is off I do have an idea floating about in my head. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
  17. Cockermouth, Maryport, Wigton, Carlisle, I could go on, all caught to in places as well.
  18. Jonathan will be ok. His place is high up and on the side of a hill. Will have been a bit breezy though.
  19. Correct Paul and I should know better. Had a Marina van myself and we had a Maestro pick up at the farm for a few years.
  20. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    The pump etc was only meant to be lifting a cutter deck straight up and down. The plough hanging off the back will be increasing the weight it has to lift most likely. I'll get an overhaul kit for the cylinder, than see how it performs. Then I may tweak the release valves if possible.
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