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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Hope to meet you there, Neil. Most likely round about the Ransome crawlers.
  2. Wish I had somewhere like that to work/play.
  3. Are you sure the points arm is really free on its pin? It may be sticking a bit. I may call in tomorrow.
  4. Neat job, Ewan. I know where to go now if I need any tin ware replacement.
  5. That's looking more like it. Thought it was finished in the last photo.
  6. I like how you have things so organised and easy to reach.
  7. Stormin

    New Welder

    I wish my boss would buy me something like that. No chance she will though.
  8. If we do get a cold snap, and if hard, our lane will disintegrate.
  9. And be the oldest swinger in town.
  10. Next week for you Mark. Personally you can keep it. Wet enough here.
  11. Look good. Your going to have to refurbish the rest of the trailer now to match.
  12. In hindsight, I guess he knew northerners are not wastrels like southerners, and one form would be enough.
  13. What's so special about you? I only got one. Had to put all three on the same one.
  14. Looks like they've gone. Posting deleted.
  15. That's one nice looking tractor. Now! And I really like the colour.
  16. Stormin


    He'll be waiting till Malvern to give it you personally.
  17. Good news, Jonathan. You'll be one happy chappie. I was going to phone you later to see how you'd got on. I'll pop in tomorrow on my way back from Carlisle.
  18. If it does touch, I'd be inclined to fit a wear pad to stop it wearing a groove in the axle.
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