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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Beat me to it there. You've got the bars Chris.
  2. The writing at the bottom of the photo is still upside down.
  3. Son - in - laws have sets of those they don't use any more. Mean gits wont let me have them. There is a thread on RS on making brackets to fit them. Was a while back though. Simple cross piece with a centre bar for the weights, that bolts to the wheels.
  4. On close inspection, Paul, I'm inclined to agree with you. Even got the bonnet do da on the front. Why do people paint things different colours?
  5. Sorry, Andrew, no. So did I. Plus several more of those on display.
  6. Just fit them the right way up, not like the photo.
  7. Good photo's, Paul. Where's the one of the Queen though?
  8. Get yourself there next year, Rhys. You could have a play with one of your Ransomes. All being well I'll take one of mine and make a weekend of it.
  9. Now for our Scottish members enjoying themselves and their machines. Apologies to those who's names I can't remember, or get wrong. Eck on his 1938 John Deere. Alan (I think) Honda 10hp powered Wheel Horse. Tom? The Ransome Ploughman. Some of their machinery. George, (The Fife Plooman) and Roloman enjoying themselves. George with is trophy. And a group photo. Finally some daft Sassenach making a mess of things. Not very straight on this one. But Eck said it was because I was following George. All being well, I'll be back.
  10. Stormin


    Handy little circular saw for someone.
  11. Good and fast progress, James.
  12. In other words, a posh name for a mongrel.
  13. A snow blower would be handy for you Johathan up there. I can't help thinking that with a 3 point and narrower ag tyres, it would make a good ploughing tractor.
  14. Just got home from visiting the SVT and engine clubs rally. I have to admit, crawling out of bed at 6-30am, 350 mile round trip and getting home at 9-30pm, was well worth it. Met some of our Scottish members. The Fife Plooman, Eck, Ransome Ploughman, Rolloman and others, who all made Dunc and I welcome. Thank you very much lads. A pleasure to meet you all. I've a few photo's to put and a more in depth report, which I'll do tomorrow and I'm sure you'll enjoy.
  15. Mmmm! I wonder if I'd be allowed if I came across one at a reasonable price?
  16. That's a really great story. I'm sure the old girl will soon be back to her former glory. And I hope Peter will get his ride in her. Roger, you'll have to ask the new owner, if he would be so kind as to put on a progress report on here, please.
  17. Doesn't always work that way, Chris. My late alsatian had big paws as a pup, but she grew up small for her breed.
  18. T'Other Arf wants one now I've shown her that. No chance! Just clocked her name. What kind of name is that for a dog? Bet the boys didn't pick it.
  19. Most likely cos no one else was daft enough to bid on it.
  20. Have you room to fit a rubber buffer of some sort, somewhere, Jonathan?
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