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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I think we two ended up with a list of ideas, Chris.
  2. After the nuts had gone, I did find a couple of bolts.
  3. Here's some I took on the first day. Not as many as Paul though. Chris and I had other things to do and think about. Many hands make light work. This had Chris and I doing some thinking. This lad was making pencils. His work bench is a sidecar on a bicycle.
  4. They drive like that up here as well.
  5. Not the engine! Polish it. Nice shiny alli.
  6. Going to be all red, Ian? A black chassis/frame would go well with red panels.
  7. You've made a superb job of that tank. Wish I could paint like that.
  8. Loaded and ready to roll. I think I need a bigger trailer.
  9. Stormin


    Some of those don't look half bad.
  10. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Put the Black Horse in harness today. Sweeping duty after mowing the green and verges with the C-125. Passed with flying colours, but that exhaust is LOUD when you open it up. And I do mean LOUD. I think some redesigning is in order before the neighbours stop speaking to me. One or two little things showed up, Besides the carb needing a rebuild. Right hand axle seal is weeping and also the right hand hub wobbles a bit. The ID of the hub must be ever so slightly bigger than the OD of the axle. It does have odd hubs. The steering quadrant and pinion need adjusting as well. Bit to much slack.
  11. Sorry for your loss also, Neil. We'll meet up one day. We will?
  12. Stormin

    Not another one...

    Tom, pour some diesel down the plug hole on that engine and leave for a while. May free it up, then you can strip it to see it's condition.
  13. Stormin

    Not another one...

    Them's wide. Maybe to wide for ploughing?
  14. Stormin

    Hallo Dolly.

    I did think of that Mark, but I'd nothing to make a turn table type thing out of. Also I wanted to keep it as compact as possible. As it is, it will go upside down under the tractors on the trailer. Or even in the back of the Disco'.
  15. Charlie, the original exhaust on the 121 was a pious one. Very holy. I cut the manifold end off it and turned it up instead of down. I had some pipe that just fitted over it. Drilled lots of holes in it, cut some slots in one end and that is held with an exhaust clamp. The stainless pipe and flap I liberated from under a bench in expeatfarmers workshop. I turned two spacers to slide over the inner pipe and inside the stainless outer. These were welded to the inner pipe. One at one end. The other about an inch and a half from the other end. Loft insulation was packed between the two pipes as I inserted the inner pipe into the outer one. I then drilled and tapped two holes opposite each other, through the stainless pipe and into the lower spacer. Two 6mm stainless hex head screws keep everything together. I did fit a mute in the outlet end of the inner pipe, a plug with a smaller hole than the pipe bore, to quieten it a bit more. But it didn't reckon much to the idea and spat it out.
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