I like the vernier idea. I may try it. I have a digital vernier. My lathe is imperial, as are my micrometers etc, which I was brought upon being of mature years. The problem I have is the divisions on the cross slide handle are hard to see, due to the lathes age. Also I have to wear glasses now.
Scaled down Scammell Iron Horse replica. Remember them Chris in railway goods yards? Little artic with three wheeled tractor unit.
Another thought. Fit a bench seat across the front like a rickshaw trike thingy. Be great for taking people along the prom and making a bob or two.
I know nothing about these tractors, but I'm wondering if that screw that locks the arms is working right. Maybe a broken locating spigot or spring? Can it be removed easily to see if a bit is broken off the end of the screw? Or should I just keep quiet?