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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Santa Pod? That's north to you.
  2. I'll let you off. But I expect to see Widestride at Newby next year.
  3. Ditto! Get cheesed off with all the shows darn sarf though.
  4. If you let me know what you'd like, I can have a word.
  5. It is indeed. Lives about 10 miles from me. Got a collection of Ransoms and implements to die for.
  6. Something like this. Then you can go into competition with Nigel.
  7. Very true and you do have some interesting things, if not strictly my cup of tea.
  8. Definitely NO waxoyl. Devils own job to get off.
  9. Just give it a wipe with an oily rag now and then or spay WD40.
  10. Where's the chap with the horses from, George? And don't say Scotland. Fife maybe? ,
  11. Well done on the purchases, James. I wish stuff like that would pop up round here,
  12. Some nice straight, well turned furrows there, George. Came across a working day by accident yesterday near Dumfries. Went back later to have a look see. Turned out to be the Scottish (Southern) Region Friends of Ferguson annual working day. So only MH and MF tractors with the exception of one Ford. Also an old MH baler with twin diesel to power it and a couple of interesting hay bobs. Typically I'd not my camera with me.
  13. Never seen one like that before. It's quite cute. Well done. Keep it and yes build thread please.
  14. Really nice job you've made of that, Paul.
  15. That's in good nick. Usually wooden things are well populated by wood worms. Good find.
  16. The Land Rover mag's went/have gone the same way. I used to get two, but don't bother any more.
  17. Just for the record, as people always refer to it/them as a Robin, it's a Regal.
  18. Have you more photo's of them. Look interesting machines.
  19. Well done and spare engine to boot. You can use the belt guard as a pattern for the missing one.
  20. It was indeed Paul. Made a nice change to spend a day out together. Trouble is, all I'm getting now is what this one does, or that one did.
  21. Couple of decent sized mowers there, Angus. Well done.
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