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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. It's easier looking in front of you than twisting round in the seat. I need a good view to reverse the trailer into the workshop. I have a rear ball hitch but its too low and close to the tractors rear end for the trailer coupling. OK for the Saxon. I may make an extended one at sometime.
  2. Manoeuvring a 12ft twin axle trailer in a confined space with the Disco, is rather awkward. My Land Rover 90 had a front ball hitch which was very handy for reversing trailers into confined spaces.. Unfortunately the same thing can't be done with the Disco. I thought one to fit the front of my Wheel Horses would do the job. So this morning I a rooted out a spare front mule drive. Along with some 1"x2" box, bit of plate and a tow ball. I ended up with...... Fits just fine. So a splash of Red Oxide and tomorrow a splash of some colour. Not sure yet what. Had a bit of a test and a little problem raised it's head. Pulling the trailer off the concrete yard was no problem. It was when the trailer wheels got onto the gravel drive. The tractors ag rear tyres lost grip and did an impression of a tiller. It was something I kind of expected, but the hitch will do it's job. I'll just have to keep off the drive.
  3. After much thought and penny counting, I decided to throw caution to the wind, risk the wrath of swmbo and spend some of the kids inheritance. 12ft x 6ft but in total 16ft 4" x 6ft 8". Had one heck of a job reversing into the yard due to the angle of drive to lane and having to reverse round the corner of the green as well. Best measure your drive Chris.
  4. Don't panic Mr Sutton.
  5. Forget the cowls but if the pots aren't broken or cracked.................
  6. I've often wondered the purpose of that small spring. I can stop now.
  7. Rain forecast for tomorrow, so I thought I'd better do a bit of mowing.
  8. Stormin

    Clinton engine

    The yellow could mean it's a factory recon engine. BMC used to paint their recon engines gold. Just a thought.
  9. I bet it won't look like that this time next year.
  10. Nice place, George and nice work. I think you've worked Kiri and Kara to hard though. They look dog tired.
  11. The box, I have one on each tractor, is a toolbox for the older Massey Ferguson tractors.
  12. Below is what happens when you other half has an artistic bent. Or maybe just bent. Take some old pot plant pots and get yours truly who has nothing better to do, to clean and paint them. Then do this....... I think this could be her fishy period. Though she does have a thing about crocodiles. She's now on the lookout for more pots.
  13. Should do. There'll be plenty of parked cars.
  14. Another name to add. Tam Tweedie. (Ransome Plooman)
  15. Try Eriks in Bradford. They sell pulleys.
  16. All the Best to you both, Nylon and Hillsider.
  17. Stormin


    9ltrs left.
  18. We'll see how many survive the cats and the crows. Only three out of twelve survived out of the last brood.
  19. Had a happy family having a cooling swim this evening. The Mallard family. Dad, Mum and 11 little Mallards.
  20. That'll be well used. Every hour on the hour.
  21. Thanks Angus. Useful info. Yeah! Anything like that, Chris.
  22. Those vapour trails are plain to see.
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