Manoeuvring a 12ft twin axle trailer in a confined space with the Disco, is rather awkward. My Land Rover 90 had a front ball hitch which was very handy for reversing trailers into confined spaces.. Unfortunately the same thing can't be done with the Disco.
I thought one to fit the front of my Wheel Horses would do the job. So this morning I a rooted out a spare front mule drive.
Along with some 1"x2" box, bit of plate and a tow ball. I ended up with......
Fits just fine.
So a splash of Red Oxide and tomorrow a splash of some colour. Not sure yet what.
Had a bit of a test and a little problem raised it's head. Pulling the trailer off the concrete yard was no problem. It was when the trailer wheels got onto the gravel drive. The tractors ag rear tyres lost grip and did an impression of a tiller. It was something I kind of expected, but the hitch will do it's job. I'll just have to keep off the drive.