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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Always wanted on of those Bedfords, on the left in the first two photo's.
  2. Stormin


    Done up to your usual high standard, Alan. The tractor I mean.
  3. I could answer that if it was petrol. But a diesel 2 stroke may use a different oil. Have you Googled JLO diesel engine?
  4. From the photo's I assume it's water cooled. And the two tops on what looks like the fuel tank. One diesel? One hydraulic oil?
  5. Very poetic. I like the roller in the last two photo's.
  6. I love the way the lad turned round to wave.
  7. Stormin

    Wheelhorse signs

    Very nice. What did he cut them with. Water jet?
  8. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    The VHGMC horticultural ploughing rules state a minimum depth of 12cm. Just under 5". Not that I'll be taking part in any of their matches. My tractor and plough don't qualify. I put the tractor up on the lift and with the plough hanging over the end, board lying along the lift and plough down, the above depth was ascertained. Now the actuator that does the up and down business, has no in between position. It's either up or down. After much trial and error, the tool bar has been modified. The tongue that goes into the slot hitch has been raised so the tool bar is lower. It was also extended and now has two holes for the slot hitch pin. First hole is in the same place and the second an inch back. This has given me two positions. The first hole gives just over 12cm and the second just over 13cm. That'll do for now and the test will be the Hethersgill Vintage Club ploughing match next month.
  9. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    That's something I'm considering, Doug.
  10. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    Deciding not to alter things to much, I cut off the folded edge of the foot plate and that has give 3/8" to 1/2" of clearance for the tyre. Next, out with the jigsaw and I opened up the hole for the fuel tank filler cap . Put everything back together and time for a photo shoot. And a comparison photo. By 'eck! Wasn't expecting that much difference. 3-1/4" difference. That throws up another problem. Getting enough ploughing depth. Maximum I will be able to get is just over 4" deep. Could be another addition to the Black Horse topic.
  11. David Brown? Excellent tractors.
  12. Grand looking tractor. Make the most of grandson. Come 13-14 and he'll be off to do his own thing. Unless he want's something.
  13. Yep! Knew I'd seen one before. Not completely senile yet.
  14. Looking nice. Really like the blue.
  15. That JLO engine rings a bell. Is there something else on here somewhere with one?
  16. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    Drew a blank on the weights. Guess they have all be snapped up by body builder types. Got the wheels top coated today. Got told they looked like new. Then got asked when I was going to do the patio by her studio. Got them fitted as well. Spacers made and fitted to lift the fender by 7/8th". This showed up three more things to modify. (1) The hole for the filler cap needs to be opened up. You can't get hold of the cap now. (2) The tyre fouls the back edge of the foot plate. Needs the edge trimmed and/or bent forward. (3) Also the front bottom edge of the fender will need to be altered, to allow the foot plate back to be bent forward.
  17. Some people CLEAN their tractors after use.
  18. Pity! I like something with a colour that's not usual.
  19. So what? The evidence points to it being green originally. You can correct them. May have been painted that colour for some special reason?
  20. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    I was looking at those today, Doug. Was wondering if they'd fit. They were in Lidl.
  21. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    You and I both, Chris. They look bigger on the wheels than when off.
  22. Stormin

    Wheel mod.

    Got the tyres and tubes fitted today. Chunky!
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