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the showman

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Posts posted by the showman

  1. I'm with TalkTalk and as Paul has said ive had problems with them.

    its almost impossible to get through to a human being, i spent 8 days with no phone or internet and after their first repair which lasted 2 days i had to go through it all again with them.

    the end result is my internet is half as good as it was and i got charged eight pounds on my bill for ringing to tell them about the fault.

    i certainly wouldn't recommend them and i will change when i find a good deal

  2. 10 minutes ago, Stormin said:

    Thought you always wore gloves? Or had you taken them off to drink the hourly cup of tea. :hide:

    It was first thing in the morning and I stopped at the skip on the way up the drive 

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