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the showman

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Posts posted by the showman

  1. After finding this last week and thinking that must be it now, whats the chances of finding another plough ?

    Well today i was almost in the same spot and the digger bucket caught something metal ( wheel weights i thought ) only another plough :rolleyes:.

    as Norm was the first to ask that his name be put on the next one thats what we did, and put it on his list for the Newby delivery.

  2. 7 hours ago, pmackellow said:

    That's neat, what chance of finding one of those over here in the UK ??


    Might have to ask Mr Showman to get his welder out :D





    Yeah but we don't get any snow over here

  3. Had time to get the plough out of the van and have a better look at it.

    Found a id tag under a coat of paint and managed to scrape it off to reveal the maker and serial number, next was to free off the adjuster which didn't take to much.

    The wheel was free so i just lubricanted that, i also freed off the bolts to enable height adjustment.

    on the hitch end I noticed that was adjustable so freed off those bolts.

    The fitting plate bracket thingy is welded on at an angle so i can only assume that when ploughing with the 2 offside wheels in the furrow the plough will be upright, ( your comments please ).

    heres some photos 







  4. 15 minutes ago, Alan said:

    Never seen Chris so excited. :woohoo:  I was at the other side of the barn while he was digging.  Thought I had better go and help him load the trailer.  Went round the barn to see him coming towards me, arms waving and eye's like saucers. :blink:  Thought he must have found something red.  Wondered why his feet were wet, thought he had wet himself with excitement, but it turned out that his mouth was dribbling badly.  Had to sit him down and calm him with a cuppa.


    We must have passed that spot countless times.  The Morris bonnet was surrounded and partly covered by junk so didn't expect anything exciting  under it.  How wrong can we be.


    Next weeks task is to find something else.

    I think we should clear the rest of the wood to see if theres any wheel weights nearby 

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