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  1. 6 points

    I'm in!

    Some of you know I've been looking to move for over a year, I finally made it last Friday. So now we are out in the countryside just a few miles from Malham. Scenery fantastic, modern conveniences lacking... We are on bottled water, no mobile, Internet or phone line. And get hot water from a tap if I leave the heating on full! Huge plus side, no neighbours, lots of countryside, land and areas to play We've been busy pla...tidying for the last few days. Here's a few pics, I know some of you like them there's videos too, but currently on free wifi and dont have time.
  2. 2 points

    Panther 101 Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Thought I'd investigate the blow on the exhaust. - Was a bit shocked to see how much was missing under the chrome cover as it genuinely sounded like a very small hole! I do have a slightly better one in my store, not perfect but should suffice until I can turn up a couple of better condition ones. The Paint is now dry on the chasis, I fitted the end caps and tried to fit the wheels, unfortunately they were too long for the axle so had to be thinned down with the grinder. The tin work off the engine has been soaked in paint stripper, then run over with a flap disc, now ive got the time consuming job of filling all the dents and pitting, still its easier than stripping the Nylon coating off the jcb's.
  3. 1 point

    Panther 101 Hydraulic Power Pack.

    As Ive now have almost finished my other Power Packs (just waiting for a couple of little parts to finish), I thought I'd turn my attention to my Panther 101. The main reason I wanted one of these packs is that the chap who designed them sold the Solite rights to JCB then went straight out and set up a new company and designed this, changing it just enough that JCB couldn't stop him. Hopefully this should look good with my display The machine is very rough, however it does run very well with a slight blow on the exhaust. I thought I wasn't going to be able to date it as the i.d tag has fallen off, but by luck found a very faintly stamped set of numbers somewhere else on the chasis which puts it at 1985- exactly the same age as my wife! Ive managed to obtain an original manual- and by chance Ive discovered that I know the chap whos legs are in the second photo on the cover. Tonight I stripped all the rust and the minute amount of paint that was left on the chasis and given it several coats of etch primmer followed by Tackechi Red top coat ( The closest match I could find).But the photos of this will have to wait as I forgot to take my camera with me today. Although the engine is almost the same as the Solites, it should be a lot less of a headache to sort out as theres no electric start fitted to this machine. The part that ive given the most thought to is the top frame, this has a chrome finish that like the rest of the pack has quite a bit of corrosion. To have it re-chromed is out side of my budget so im going to see how good I can get it with a rattle can of Chrome effect paint.
  4. 1 point

    360 degree youtube video

    Use your mouse or arrow buttons to see 360 degrees around the P-51 Mustang and see the F-22 Raptor off its wing tip
  5. 1 point

    Fame at last !!

    Latest magazine from the VHGMC (Vintage Horticultural and Garden Machinery Club) arrived today, editor Alan Rogers (will haggle on here) has done us proud with Smallholders Show coverage, including a front cover shot...
  6. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    JCB Solite Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Superb Job Gareth. Quality work .
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point


    My guess is, like Alain, that it was used with workshop equipment. Think this belonged to John's brother in law who lived on the premises before John. He was also a hoarder, but mainly of car, van, lorry stuff which he worked on as a hobby. Various old axles and gearboxes also found in the barn.
  9. 1 point

    Rural Past Times Day's 1 and 2

    Dunno, Paul. Just don't ask him to stand on anything.
  10. 1 point

    Rural Past Times Day's 1 and 2

    That Graveley is a Gunsmith Norm... Great photos, who is the idiot waving in the last one ??
  11. 1 point

    Rural Past Times Day's 1 and 2

    Just a few I took. My hotel for the weekend. Sutton Haulage in the arena. I would have liked to have taken this Gunsmith home. The line up. A motley crew.
  12. 1 point

    Atco 12" Cylinder mower

    Started the task of painting all the parts in Green today Here is a couple of piccies...... You don't realise just how many bits there are??? Will leave the paint to harden for a couple of days before starting the re-assembly........
  13. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Yellow Mower Challenge!

    A non pictorial update on the corrective repairs. The Shiny new Piston has been installed. Had to ease the fit of the Gudgeon Pin as it was tight in the new Small End Bearing. I had swapped the new rings that were in the engine over to the new piston. Turned over real smooth by hand and nice compression. Started 2nd pull, a small amount of fine carb adjustment made it run perfectly. Vibration issue sorted. Spent most of this pm installing the back up Cylinder (Reel) and Drive parts. Now back on it's replaced wheels (and rollers). Plenty of clearance now between the Blades, Underside of Deck Panel and B/Blade adjusters. Just the fine adjustment to the cutting/scissor action do, and they already look pretty parallel to each other. On the downside, The paint is lifting around the neck of the Petrol Tank !. Must either be a pinhole in the Soldered joint, or the paint/Fuel proof lacquer did not bond to the brass well enough. Repaint job . Had over yet again!, found that the 0.030" oversized piston came back with Standard size Rings fitted !!. Good job I took them off and checked them in the new re bored Cylinder for the spare engine. Ring gap should only be a few thou, not 0.125" !. You have to be so careful nowadays, sadly, it seems you can't rely on anyone. Now we have had some rain, I'll do a test cut when the grass begins to grow again.
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