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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Turbair Turbo Tot, new addition

    Home from holiday via Nottingham today to see a nice man called Chas about a Turbair sprayer... Very nice little machine, it will go with the other Turbair I have had for a while...
  2. 2 points

    New workshop

    Usually avoid working in the winter but could change now! I've got most of the insulation in, doors hung and new side doorway cut, hasn't half made it feel small but think once its panelled inside it will feel bigger.
  3. 1 point

    Hayter Osprey

    Hi Everyone, New to the forum, started playing cricket again late on in life and happlly got involved with the upkeep of the ground. Our Hayter Osprey shed one of its blades after hitting a hidden rock and tore through the edge of the cutting disc (No hole left). Hayter no longer do this part- any ideas where I could source one or do you think a feasible fix would be to drill new blade mounting holes (accurate spacing to attempt to keep some sort of balance) i.e move them all round a 20mm or so? Would an engineering shop be able to replicate the whole disc? Many thanks
  4. 1 point
    the showman

    Wheelhorse C 160 Automatic

    Meadowfield is the boy to help you with that or look on our sister site red square and look in the manuals section
  5. 1 point

    New workshop

    Roof on and water tight! Now to make a start on the inside.
  6. 1 point

    The Ferrari.

    Funny how you can take of one bit and then end up with lots of bits.
  7. 1 point

    The Ferrari.

    Good to see you getting on with this Ash, the new rubber looks great
  8. 1 point

    New workshop

    Construction has begun!
  9. 1 point

    New workshop

    Well it was all go at 8am this morning, 4 wheelbarrows 2 cube down in about 30min. Neighbours were chuffed Note the temporary barrier to keep the dog out, for some reason he loved lying on the damp proof before the concrete was poured.
  10. 1 point

    New workshop

    Damp proof membrane is to stop damp coming up through the floor, Rhys. Put it down.
  11. 1 point

    New workshop

    Managed to acquire some hardcore that was piled up in the local carpark so has brought up the centre to 4" but still thicker around the edge. As you can see the new next door neighbor has bought a shed, it will be dwarfed by mine and I paid the same for mine as he did for his 8 X 6 which is built from matchsticks (not that I told home that as I've got to wire it in for him) also going to take the chance to upgrade power cables to the old shed and install cable for the new shed while the patio is up. i have some damp proof membrane to lay before the concrete but not sure if it's required? Stops it drying out to quickly and cracking?
  12. 1 point

    New workshop

    Started ground works, pad is about 5" might reduce the thickness if I can find some hardcore FOC!
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