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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2016 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Hi All What a difference a day makes. Local ploughing match very hard dry ground I could make nothing of it in fact made a mess with capital M The brain was put in gear fitted a bracket for a 56 lbs weight fitted a Scotch skimmer from the horse day,tried it on Sunday the-9th October different field different area different result although my finish let me down I still managed first place I was very happy with the changes that were made . little more tweaking and it will be fine As I was saying what a difference a day makes Hope you enjoy
  2. 5 points

    Tractor World Newbury

    What Gareth forgot to mention was his 1st Prize for his superbly restored very early, 1941 Rotary Hoes Ltd, RotehO. Otherwise known as a Series 1 Gem. This particular G206 machine is the oldest found to date and was 105th machine off the production line. Side by side with my later Series 1, G1384 machine which was 'runner-up' they showed the evolution of early models of this well known rotavator. Here they are, wearing their rosettes!
  3. 5 points

    Tractor World Newbury

    A BIG Thank you to all who travelled to Newbury for this show! As Gareth said its the 1st year so hopefully it will be repeated and continue to grow........... Here are my pictures.........
  4. 4 points

    Tractor World Newbury

    Heres a few shots from Tractor World Newbury. A little low on exhibits but its only the first year. The weather today was great for October, but yesterday was a bit rainy on and off. Overall a very enjoyable show. Darmic1 should receive a special thankyou as he over half filled the section with different exhibits, and Paul Mackellow also took a good selection of O&R machines. I would also like to thank Titch for the decals he supplied that finished my machine off.
  5. 2 points
    Mister Mad Mower

    Buma Boring Bar

    Not a well thought out name from a marketing point of view , though 50 years ago iff you were gay you were simply happy . Wonder how many things will take on a different meaning 50 years from now ! . But in retrospect a Bolens Ride a Matic could make a good stable mate for a Buma Boring bar ? ..........
  6. 1 point

    Strange machine spotted.

    This was spotted in Cranbrook last night parked outside the curry house.. Not sure what it is other than the mudflaps are Land Rover..
  7. 1 point

    What a difference a day makes

    Nice ploughing, George.
  8. 1 point
    the showman

    What a difference a day makes

    Brilliant job done George, if i could get mine half as straight I'd be well pleased. top marks mate.
  9. 1 point


    Spent some time on Jakes tractor adding some gauges...and USB socket Told him to fit the panel and he's just rocked round the corner after finishing work with this! pimp my horse!
  10. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Montgomery Wards 5 Hp Tiller

    Not that Brand Alain, but here there are brand like Kurust and Trustan 23 which do the same. I also find them very handy, but they can't cope with thick rust and the job has to be well dry before priming/painting.
  11. 1 point
    Back from a great day at Rural Past times, here's the part timers photos... Great to meet Iain (sif-uk), Andrew (Triumph66) and Richard (Anglo Traction), as well as the regulars !
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