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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Couple of implements.

    Fitted and ready to trial plough as soon as I get chance.
  2. 1 point

    1962 Cub Cadet and plough

    I saw this at a small steam/vintage event yesterday and thought it may be of interest.
  3. 1 point

    Tractor Highjackers.

    The C-125 got highjacked today. First by Mathew, number four grandson, enjoying his first time at tractor driving. Then his sister, Ashleigh. Again for the first time. Being a typical girl, more interested in who's watching, than looking where she's going. After a rebuke from grandad to pay attention.
  4. 1 point

    Spring has sprung.

    Some signs of spring. Mum and her four surviving ducklings. Crows, magpies or cats put paid to the other two. The proud dad/dads. The duck and the two drakes have returned for the last few years. Moorhen sitting on eight eggs. We'll see how many survive the aforementioned crows etc. These fine bullocks arrived in the field opposite on Wednesday.
  5. 1 point

    Spring has sprung.

    Now you see me. Now you don't.
  6. 1 point

    ORline Hedge Trimmer

    I was indeed a little bit skeptical, but mainly due to using water, I just thought it would quickly rust again. There are plenty more rusty chrome handles on O&R's here that will benefit from the same treatment. I've also found out why the starter mechanism of this trimmer was reluctant to move, turns out some of the spot welds on the starter reel have failed, as soon as I loosened the spring housing screws the cord returned easily. It's been like this for a long time as part of the starter reel edge has become very sharp where it has worn against the starter spring. I'm going to find out if it can be repaired. On the plus side this problem has prevented that crumbly air filter foam from getting into the engine. David
  7. 1 point
    The answer is 'Balls' Norm! ....................................Yes the item is the original, but I have added the dome to it. Back around Xmas, I observed some Kiddies Ball shaped tins that contained chocolate of some kind. Managed to get hold of a couple and found one without any significant damage. Measured pretty close to the radius, so went for cutting a slice off for a test. First job was to clean off the paint/ink to see what the finish was to the steel (top left). I then had to polish it and measured the amount needed to slice off for a sample and what method to slice it off with ( bottom left)- First go was 3/64"(1.2mm) short, so went for it on the good cleaned off section - Cleaned up and tinned with solder, it was soldered to the original, which was not easy as had to use passive resin flux, but went ok. Had a good coat of fuel proof lacquer and settled for an old small cafetiere s/s gauze filter cut to fit as a dust collector. All done and will go nicely with the now very tidy Carb. Regards
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