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Everything posted by meadowfield
  1. jeez, there's a lot going on in there!!!!!
  2. Here's a small video of powered sledging.
  3. A few more, haven't had the cars out but tractors and quad have had a good workout Powered sledging is the way to go
  4. Here's a few from our ride into the village
  5. After last nights episode trying to improve bendys transmission, I ended up resorting to swapping back to belts. I'd also noticed that as well as sluggish starting, it occasionally made a horrible grind So it was out with the engine, the starter is mounted low down on this k341 and you have to lift the engine out... And here's why I had to play with, the starter is a 10 tooth one, with only 7.5 teeth... the other is a high mount, and the other from the infamous acorn harvester at Ian's/Nigel's Fortunately it's a low mounter too, and the teeth are good. A few minutes later and voila, starts a million times better Frozen fingers sent me inside for the night. I was up first thing to defrost the car and thought I'd have a quick test drive. It's pretty cruel outside, kitchen isn't too warm either Bendy started first time, here's a few pics in the frost. I need more grip, might be digging the chains out... Didn't get stuck this time either
  6. It's mainly water causing me pain and snow. I can't seal them in
  7. That was on of my earlier plans, but they are not as tolerant to twist as v belts, plus once clogged up they ride over too. Will perservere a little longer
  8. Plan a was belts, they've worked for over a year, but are less effective under water
  9. Well first phase of the new year hasn't gone well. Here's the original setup Then the new one A short test drive ended like this So for now, back to plan a
  10. Just turn up! I think the ransomes would be more fun tho....
  11. Glad you got further out of the shop than I did!
  12. Looking good, soon be full test drive time!
  13. I've had the same issue, three kinds of IH red! Good luck...
  14. Great story and great collection
  15. I did That's retirement for ya! Oh yes! We did, more snow due Wednesday.
  16. Fab, it'll need power steering... Eager to know how well it works!
  17. Playtime... Kids were up at 6, I wasn't far behind. Opened the curtain and greeted by this. It was a blizzard outside I had a run up the lane whilst Jake got the snowplough out. And Finn wanted a tow on his sledge It's raining now and the garden looks a little worse for wear Video to follow
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