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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Stormin

    wheel horse

    Don't listen to him. He's biased.
  2. Nice! Be sometime before mine looks like that. That is if it ends up like that.
  3. I may shorten it a bit, Nigel. Depends on clearance for lift the bonnet. It's only be temporary anyway. Lifts up, Chris.
  4. Nice playroom to hide in. Well done Rhys.
  5. Had a bit of a go at a replacement exhaust. Take the manifold end of a kaput exhaust, piece of standard light tubing, machined down trailer eye coupling reducer and an old B.S.A silencer. You then get this. Needs welding and a good clean and painting with BBQ paint.
  6. That's a good choice of colour.
  7. Southerners and Yorkshiremen.
  8. Those wheels under the arches look really something. Proper job!
  9. That looks like the one my father built.
  10. Coming on nicely, Ewan. BTW. Workshop wall looks like mine. Not finished painted.
  11. Nothing really worth photographing, Chris. Besides, my hands were dirty.
  12. Valve clearances set, Cover/breather re-assembled. Had to make a new gasket. Engine back in place and drive pulley, P.T.O. and drive belt cover back on. Carb cleaned and checked. Wiring reconnected. Started on lapping the head. Ordered a head gasket and it should be here Monday or Tuesday. In the meantime, carb to be re-fitted and as the exhaust/silencer fell apart, I suppose I'll have to make a new one.
  13. Valves nicely lapped in and reassembled. Great fun getting the collets back in place. Even with the engine on it's side. Also disassembled the tappet cover and cleaned the filter that lives in there. Points also removed, cleaned and replaced.
  14. Two wires to each switch. Just join the two off each switch together.
  15. Thanks Chris. Wasn't sure if it came apart or not and didn't want to force it.
  16. Flushed out the tank and drained the carb float bowl. Strange light green liquid in the bowl. All back together and fresh petrol in. Connected the battery and turned the key. Fired up and ran. Briefly! Turned the key and the engine spun but didn't restart. But there was a slight tinkling noise. Turned the engine by hand and it turned easily. Turned the other way and it locked up. So I took the head off. Piston at top of cylinder and didn't move when engine turned. But I could push it down by hand. I think the con rod has come loose or broke. I went to see the man I got it off and he refunded some of my money. So the raider has been tucked away, till I've time to investigate.
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