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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. The Showman said I'd to get out and take photo's of the snow before it melted. So here's another.
  2. First snow we've had since a built my blade for the 125, Three years ago.
  3. I'll have a run up tomorrow Jonathan, for a bit more moral support. That's if I can get up.
  4. We are low down, Rhys, and not far from the sea. Very seldom get much snow. Jonathan had 4" Thursday and nothing down here. No doubt he'll be getting more now, as it's still coming down. About 1" now.
  5. Started snowing here 1-30am. Coming down quite heavy now. Not last long I hope.
  6. Did we check the other mag like we did yesterday, to see if we had a spark under compression?
  7. You can get V belts that have slits, for want of a better description, in them.
  8. Belt drive will allow flex. How about using toothed belt/belts?
  9. Been seeing how to do it in Alan's Sears/Roper thread?
  10. Mag was tested with an electric drill. Slow and fast a decent spark. Several pugs have been tried, all with same result. Sparks when out but not when in. We used one of those gadgets you fit 'tween plug and lead that lights up. No sign of sparks in and around the points. It's getting fuel, so it's not that. I think we've exhausted everything we can think of.
  11. All the Best, Mowerdar and Cam-121.
  12. He's short and tubby isn't he? Ahhh! I see what you mean.
  13. That stereo unit is the same as the one I've had for years. Tape player packed in last year.
  14. Oooow! I've not had one of those for years.
  15. It doesn't matter if it's petrol or diesel. It's a stationary engine. Good job you've made of it. Your dad would be pleased. You going to Newby Hall this year?
  16. Boards look better in the flesh. Or should that be wood?
  17. Dunno! Don't like how he's waving that starting handle about.
  18. Not fitted yet. Well not when I left at 4-30.
  19. We'll have to sort out a meeting time, place and day. I suggest, Saturday. 1pm. By Jonathans digger/dozer. You can't miss that. I assume he's taking it. If not 137. We could do the same Sunday, for anyone who can't make Saturday.
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