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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Stormin

    my wee machines

    Quite a collection.
  2. That's bad, Rhys. I'm just thankfull we don't live near a river.
  3. Had to go down to eldest daughters place earlier with sand bags. Water was getting through her back door. Her place is down a lonning with a stream passing under at the bottom. Over flowing it of course and they can't get their cars out. Didn't pose a problem for the Disco.
  4. Did someone say it's been/is raining? View from the decking. Up the lane. Only way in and out. Has been worse. A few years ago you couldn't see any grass. Neighbours place across the green opposite us. Her drains run across a field into a gutter, or ditch, that runs out to the marsh. That's full,
  5. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Put it up on 6" blocks today. On the ground I was getting an estimated 4" depth with 3" ground clearance when raised. I've moved the ram connection to arm up an 1", and connected the chain with same bolt as lift lever connecting bar. I've now got a depth of 6" with plough flat on the ground. Just over 3" clear when raised. If I screw the plough right up, I get 5" and a bit clearance. I think this is the best I can hope for. When lifting the plough it will lift, but I think in use, especially in the ground, lift lever and hydraulics will be used. A micro switch will be fitted, to stop the ram in lower mode, before the other arm hits the tank. The one with chain etc connected to. The cylinder now is stripped ready for finding/getting/fitting a new cylinder/rod seal. Got a bit of a leak.
  6. Carve out the lettering, then stain or leave the wood. Fill in the lettering in black or some other colour then coat with yacht varnish. Don't forget the back.
  7. Gas bottle on it's side, flat plate welded on. Big enough for kettle and frying pan.
  8. Rather better than the one I had to sit on. Well done!
  9. How are they taking it out, Koen? Fracking or drilling?
  10. Aren't they in an area of Holland that speak a different language or something?
  11. Just keep clear of any docks, canals or lakes.
  12. Your certainly not wasting any time, Noel.
  13. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Got it all up and working now. First some photo's at start of play. Motor and pump piped up. Cylinder in place. As you can see things are a bit tight. In third gear the lever only just clears the cylinder end. Rear fulcrum. Couple of mods done to that before everything was connected up. I had the lift chain attached to the modified hitch at first. That would give plenty of depth, but little ground clearance when up. I then attached it to the slot hitch. That gave me an estimated depth of around 4" and 3-1/2 of ground clearance. Moving the shackle one link on the chain will give more depth but less clearance. I'll put the tractor on blocks and do some experimentation. Maybe fit a turn buckle.
  14. Stormin

    Lathe fun

    That's turned out quite well.
  15. Bit hard to understand him, but brilliant all the same.
  16. If you want a nice finish like you have on the lever, Jonathan, then you must polish first. I used to work on ejection moulds. They were polished up like chrome, before chroming.
  17. I had a Marina van years ago, Paul. I don't think it would be long enough in the back.
  18. Poor lass. What happened to her, George?
  19. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Got round to finishing and fitting the bracket this afternoon. Had to have two attempts. Found on the first one, the cylinder eye was to near the hand brake ratchet. There's so little room for error. Had to move the bracket 1/2 inch back. How the cylinder is now positioned, allows full movement of the rod without fouling anything. Sounds simple, but took me about three hours. I've some pins to make for connecting things together, so R clips can be used instead of nuts and bolt. And a slight mod to the rear fulcrum. Also photo's to take for certain persons. Maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is drawing near.
  20. If you could make it the Monday I could come and play. That's if you'll let me and have somewhere to pitch my tent.
  21. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Now that is not strictly true. What I did was fit the ram to where the chain was fitted. After the test I then extended the arm. Today I fitted it and another problem reared it's head. Because the arm is now longer, the fixed end of the cylinder needed to be further forward. The hose that comes out at right angle from the cylinder fouled the clutch pivot. OK, I'll turn the ram 90 degrees and re-route the pipe. Did that and now found the pipe fouled the side of the hood stand. So after much thinking and deliberating, I decided to cut a bit out of the hood stand. Not something I really wanted to do. That has been done and I was in the process of making a bracket for the cylinder when the electric went off. This is definitely one of those jobs that makes you think, "Why did I start this?"
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