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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Ahh that! That's why I made a cardboard one first. All's ok so tomorrow I'll assemble it all and see where and how I can mount the hydraulic ram.
  2. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Got the connecting arm made today. First off I made a cardboard one. This was so I could get the curve right and length. I made arm in three parts. This was to allow clearance when third gear is engaged. Also allowed me to adjust length and position before final welding. Everything seems to work OK, so next thing is painting. Must admit I was lucky. Of the 1"x1/4" flat I had available, I only had 1" left over.
  3. Nice! Like the security block.
  4. You could eat your dinners off that.
  5. The D250 was built by Gutbrod and did have a Renault 850cc engine.
  6. Snow on the high fells and over the border towards Lockerbie.
  7. DiggerJames might know. Send him a PM.
  8. They're wanting to do it over here.
  9. I think hand belt sander is the correct description. Black and Decker around £50. Machine Mart and Screwfix around £60. Can't see any of my lot buying me one.
  10. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Bit more done today. Modifying the hitch lift system. Basically after much umming and ahhing, I decided on copying Mark and Ewan's mod. (Ride On's. Page 11) So far, spindle, housings and arms made. I did think of fitting bushes in the housings, but I'd no material to make any and I wasn't going to do a 60 mile round trip. I have fitted grease nipples, so things should last me out. I'll have to drill a hole in the fender for access to the LH one. The RH can be reached via the trans filler tube hole. One mistake I did make, was to make the housing securing tabs long enough. The screw and nut are fouling the trans oil filler tube. Not a problem, just annoying. Photo below.
  11. Must admit, you do a grand job.
  12. OK Jonathan. I keep getting asked what I want. Where from and how much?
  13. Somehow I don't think he'll be bothered, Jonathan.
  14. Stormin

    B 115 Gearbox

    You'll have to do a thread on the strip down and rebuild. We like things like that. With photo's of course.
  15. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    They're trailer hubs, Alain. See page 18.
  16. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    No. The motor etc Ian gave me is for that.
  17. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    While down south at Rural Pastimes, The Showman kindly gave me this motor, pump and ram along with hoses. The motor was seized solid and when opened up it could be seen why. Must have spent some time in water. With the application of plenty of Pocket Rocket I managed to get it apart. After a good clean up and wash in petrol, bearings checked for wear (both ok) it was reassembled. Electrics are not my forte, but I have a mate who is an ex BT engineer. So off I went to him. He checked it out then attached it to a battery. Ran like a good 'un in both directions. Today I decided to see where it could be fitted. The best place was amidships, 'tween engine and hood stand. So a bit of measuring, a mounting plate made and below is the result. Now all I have to do is workout where to mount the ram and how to connect to the slot hitch. And then see if it will lift the plough. No problem. PS. No Chris, you can't have it back.
  18. All the Best, Koen. Hope you have a good day.
  19. Closer to Winterburn than Malham then?
  20. Is that you house and is that Grimwith reservoir?
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