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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Stormin

    Not another one...

    Well done, Tom. Now pop up here and sort out the Black Horses trans.
  2. If he keeps getting rid of stuff, he'll be able to get in his workshop.
  3. Stormin

    I'm in!

    You just want to upset me Tyke. Could well be though. Last time I was at Malham was on my bicycle.
  4. Stormin

    I'm in!

    Test track for Why Not?
  5. Ok, Jonathan. Pity, but you can't be in two places at once.
  6. Grass hasn't stopped growing up here.
  7. No! I'll be on the gate again, as usual. Taking the money.
  8. Which belt is to short? To fit the belt from pto to deck, screw mule fully in toward tractor.
  9. Stormin


    Just think of the strain on the bearings, using the outer pulley.
  10. Dunno, Paul. Just don't ask him to stand on anything.
  11. The 8th Allonby Charity Ploughing Match takes place this weekend 16th August. Not just ploughing with tractors but horses as well hopefully. Also static displays. Including vintage horse drawn implements, tractors and anything else that turns up. Raffle and auction.
  12. Just a few I took. My hotel for the weekend. Sutton Haulage in the arena. I would have liked to have taken this Gunsmith home. The line up. A motley crew.
  13. You'll feel worse in another twelve years, Mark. When they leave home and come back with more.
  14. The GT14 just didn't feel the same driving back to the workshop.ðŸ¢
  15. That's the trouble with e-bay. You don't really know what your getting until it arrives. I like to see what I'm paying for before I'do.
  16. I had a 1965 Traveller. Put a 1500 Wolsley engine in it. That also was white with red interior.
  17. On Chris,s tablet now. A little better. Was a good show and good site. Worth the trip down. That is a story on it,s own. Arrived about 5pm Friday, found Chris, set up camp, chin wagged till well after dark. Saturday woke to a misty morning but not cold. Sun soon had things really warmed up. I'm not used to so much sunshine and heat. After the arena parade, we went off to try our hand at ploughing. The ground was a tad hard. As in concrete. My plough would only go as deep as the turf and wheels struggling for grip. Some bright spark suggested trying a tandem pull, using trac horse. I think it may have been me. Well it seemed a good idea at the time. So off Chris, Paul and I went. That's when the plough broke. I think the bit? of extra weight applied to the plough didn't help. Lesson number one learned. Being gluttons for punishment, we fitted Chris's plough to the Black Horse. But no tandem pull this time or weight on the plough. I think Paul was elswhere. Nigel got two lads with bigger tractors to loosen up the groung then off we went. This time we got a lot of usfull advice from a nice bystander. But we still struggled so gave up and went for a brew. Sunday was another scorching day, apart from the parade it was a do nothing day.
  18. I'll do my report when I get home. Chris's lap top is driving me nuts.
  19. Little beggars were still surviving this afternoon. Gave them another good blast tonight. Waited a while then cut the nest open with a hoe and sprayed inside the gap. Nest now lying on the floor.
  20. Can I assume there will be caterers there, morning, noon and night?
  21. No sign of activity this morning. Here's hoping.
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