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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. If I hadn't been so far away, I might have had that Cub. Looks nice and tidy. What bits needed cleaning up?
  2. What a difference. Bet your Mom's pleased.
  3. That looks a handy van.
  4. Stormin

    Kohler carb

    Can't find one. No rush though.
  5. Stormin

    Kohler carb

    That's where the engine followed me home from, Paul. Carb had been smashed against a tree.
  6. I think that's an eyebolt in whatever the hedge trimmer is resting on, John. Don't think those are maggots, Koen, unless something dead is in there. Moth or butterfly larvae maybe.
  7. Be nice to see your machines at a show sometime. And you of course.
  8. Stormin

    Kohler carb

    I require a carb for a Kohler CV 16S Vee twin engine. Carb number could be 2485341S I think. Can anyone help please?
  9. $120 = £187. Someone may pay that, but not me.
  10. Roped in numbers 2 and 3 grandsons today and got another load. They'd just be getting bored at home. Then had them splitting and stacking some of the timber I got a while back, after I cut it up. Can't beat a bit of child exploitation. Can't wait until I can let them use the chainsaw and bench.
  11. I think I've just made a boo boo. Showed swmbo that.
  12. I've a bit of catching up on jobs I've to do. Today made a start on some trees I've to cut down. First load home. Several more to follow.
  13. Nasty! What happened? Didn't upset the wife did you? Hope it turns out OK.
  14. Must admit, you make a superb job of them.
  15. Come on Mark. Wake up! Biddenden Tractor Fest.
  16. Local Land Rover dealer I understand.
  17. Looking at that, Makes me wonder if it was a two furrow plough. I'm sure someone will recognize it.
  18. WOW! What did you clean that engine up with?
  19. Spencer the dog was auctioned off at Allonby Charity Ploughing Match for £12.
  20. Wish we'd had bale trailers like that years ago. Beats throwing them up by hand then a pitchfork.
  21. Got a text off a mate about a Lawnflite. Having trouble getting a wheel off to mend a puncture. Taken out bolt that goes through axle, but wheel still won't come off. Rusted on maybe?
  22. I been thinking the same.
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