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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Got quite a bit done today. Took the wheels up to the farm and burnt out the centres. Back home and into the lathe to clean them up. Then it was the turn of the hubs. They had to be bored out from 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 bore. The eagle eyed will have noticed a chunk out of that hub. Not my doing. Like that when I got it. Honest Guv! The sleeves, as they now are, were inserted into the hubs. The sleeves were dimpled through the hub securing bolt holes and the bolts fitted. Next I drilled through hub and sleeve, tapping out 3/8 UNC to take a couple of grub screws. New keys were then made and then the assemblies fitted the drive shafts. I was going to fit two grub screws in each hub, but two was all I could find. So a good day in the workshop and that part of whatever is going to evolve finished. Next thing I think will be a chassis.
  2. Reverse works, Nigel. If I lose it some time in the future I'll have a look.
  3. Some useful info there, lads. This particular Spicer box came off a Husqvarna. Had a play with it today and it seems to have 6 forward and reverse. I'll have to see where I can add liquid grease now.
  4. I've got some Wheel Horse parts and some Husqvarna bits. Now what shall I do with them? The transmission is 6 speed if I remember right. And though I'm not sure, I think you can change gear on the move. Someone may know better. Also I can't remember which is the front or back.
  5. Stormin

    Clean up

    Be a pity to drag them through the dirt now, Chris.
  6. Stormin


    Thanks David. I'll look into that, though I'm not sure the yellow and green wires are long enough to fit connections.
  7. Stormin


    Had this little alarm lying around at the back of the bench for some years. It was in a little hand held box with a push button. Carol's mother who had Parkinsons and was wheelchair bound and couldn't really speak used it to attract Carol's father's attention. I'd no idea what I was going to use it for, until yesterday. It is now fitted under the bonnet of the Sears/Roper. Link to video.Takes a couple of minutes. P1020339.MP4 Only works when ignition on, but I may wire it up to a micro switch under the seat.
  8. The one on the side is the idle mixture. The one on top is the main jet mixture screw.
  9. I've not seen or heard anything on our news about the incident you mention, Alain. Not saying it didn't happen though. As for the media encouraging things like that, of course they will. My personal opinion of the whole business is Trump should never have been invited. It would have saved the tax payers of this country one hell of a lot of money, that could have been put to far better use.
  10. All the Best, Nigel. Hope you have a good day.
  11. It'll have a set of ag' tyres on before long, I bet.
  12. You could try turning the engine upside down and pouring diesel or hydraulic oil down the tube. You'll need to leave it like that for a week or two to allow the fluid to work it's way through. Heat is another option but you could damage the shaft seal.
  13. Can you post a photo? We will see the problem better.
  14. Is that 220 horticultural exhibits, Kev?
  15. Looks better than the other. Sprocket looks ok but the bush is a bit worn. Hopefully the axle is ok.
  16. What does it say on the first Tranny? I see some of the usual suspects are present.
  17. Thanks for the photo's Paul. You could have taken a better one of the Tranny, though.
  18. You had one a couple of days ago, didn't you, Richard?
  19. That I take it is not very big. Looks like a small bent nail to me.
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