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Everything posted by squonk
  1. BBBWWWAAAHHHAAAHHHHAAAA! Happy Easter everyone!
  2. If he does that it will never snow again!
  3. Sarah Palin made those famous over here!
  4. Thanks you guys. Been a busy week but today I get to stay home and get paid because of the snow!
  5. Ah yes the days of drift jumping. I had a friend about 35 yrs. ago when we really got a lot of snow off Lake Ontario. He had an old 60's Chevy wagon beater that he rammed the roads with during winter. He reinforced the front rad area and when we got some good snow ,we pile about 8 of us in there and a few cases of beer and go Drift Jumping or Busting. Those Firestone Town and Country's got a workout!
  6. Kind of like these idiots!
  7. I used to be the head HVAC guy at a hospital. Up the road north was a Sauerkraut packing plant. One spring they were making the kraut and the wind was out of the north. The operating rooms call and say they have a bad odor. I go into the office and they say can you smell it? I say I do but it's against health codes to shut off the air to the suite during surgery. So here's a few million dollars worth of surgeons and nurses saying " what do we do?" I told them to send someone down to the store and bring back some hot dogs and have a go at a Barb B que!
  8. Those wheels are just the ticket for keeping a blower out of the gravel.
  9. My 1267 "Skonkfest" tractor has had a checkered past. I got it after my heart attack to help with snow removal at work. I t had had a stuck exhaust valve in the past. I found assorted other things like no carb base gasket, silly putty sealant on the breather ect. I repainted it last spring because I got tired of a pinkish tractor. It had run good since I had done some tinkering so I only replaced the head gasket and decarboned the head when I painted it. On it's way to it's first show it had fouled the plug. I cleaned it and didn't think twice. It ran through the Big Wheel horse show parade with no issues but this winter it started fouling the plug again. so bad I had to dig out the crud in the plug. It got to the point where it wouldn't run longer than 15 min with out fouling the plug even with an anti-fouler in it. I got a 14 HP K321 on the shelf of of an much newer tractor but I wanted to keep the original starter/genny set up. The donor motor: Ring gear needed to come off for the original shroud to fit: Shroud mocked up on 14 to see how it fits: Had to use the head off of the K301 for the correct bosses for the genny bracket. You can see all the oil on top of the piston and gunk around the exhaust valve. This was all cleaned up when I painted the tractor and is only a couple of hours of run time. I'm shocked that this really didn't smoke much: Look at the build up on the plug and antifouler after only a few min of run time: New engine painted up: Ready to drop in: Mounted on the tractor. This frees up the lift table to lift the tractor! Running with different stack. I stayed with the smaller one.
  10. Around my neck of the woods, that looks more like springtime when the cotton wood seeds start flying!
  11. I had a 604 growing up. Dad bought it brand new. Went thru 4 Tecky's in 13 years! Here I am the first day I was allowed to drive it! Already on it's first replacement engine!
  12. Looks like it got stuck on wet grass!
  13. Here's the link: http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/topic/71425-early-pageant-of-steam-pics/?page=1
  14. squonk


    Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
  15. GET LOTS OF RAGS TOWELS! I had one of those apart years ago. Holy cow what a mess!
  16. Friend of mine builds 2 stroke racing kart motors. He'll get his hands on something like this when he's bored and hot rod it and then see how long it will run before BOOM!
  17. I have a similar plow without the wheel. It was made by Brinly for Wheel Horse.
  18. squonk


  19. I know what you mean John about doing tractor work when the Square is down.. Local landfill was giving away 2 free scoops of mulch and the wife wanted some. Didn't take any pics but out came the Power King with loader to make short work of it
  20. As I travel from forum to forum this winter, I cannot help but notice the fellowship that develops between the individuals. No matter what country, religion, financial status ect tractors and machinery seem to draw people together. I thought I'd share with you chaps here on MOM who haven't seen it, an example of what happened to me in a time of need. A heart condition prevented me from getting my tractors ready for what turned out to be one of the worst winters in my 56 years and my tractor friends got together to help. Don't forget to watch all the video's! http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/topic/52230-ist-annual-sqonkfest/
  21. I have the exact same thing except it shoots Co2. Use it to blow out clogged drains
  22. Cool video and cool stuff in the background as well! Almost needed some suspenders thought!
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