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Hillsider last won the day on December 31 2020

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About Hillsider
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/11/1950
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  • Location
    East Kent
  • Interests
    Agricultural, Horticultural and Grass machinery.
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  1. Happy and safe new year to all from Dover.
  2. Thank you for your birthday messages gents and stay safe everyone. Ray.
  3. Guessing here but from the MTD preface to the serial number try tracking it as an old MTD brand.
  4. Happy birthday Angus, hope it has been a good one.
  5. Seasons greetings to all for Christmas and the New Year and do your best to stay safe, especially in the workshop. Ray.
  6. I have been following this interesting thread for a few days now and have noticed that the use of Chrome piston rings is suggested. A word of warning is needed here, Chrome piston rings should not be used in a Chrome cylinder liner, Chrome rings should be used in a cast liner. If in doubt check with who ever you source your parts from they should be able to sort out the correct parts. Re Cord rings yes remember them well they used to be readilly available and I used them to keep our old Austin A40 going for many years before it was treated to a rebore then it went from standard size to plus 60 thou oversize in one leap! I believe Cords (or rings of similar design) are fitted as original equipment in some engines to this day.
  7. The mower that you have is a Qualcast Panther.
  8. As well as checking the items mentioned check very carefully the very fine mesh strainer that is pushed into a recess oposite to the metering valve. This can become blocked yet still appear to be clean and you may need to hold up to a light and veiw it through a magnifying glass to see the blockage. Re information try the web sites for Walbro carbs and Zama carbs they have excellent technical help sections. http://www.walbro.com/parts-services/ http://www.zamacarb.com Good luck in your search for knowledge.
  9. Hillsider


  10. Almost certainly the breather valve has come adrift from the underside of the filler cap. The valve is normally held in place by the moulding and spring clip that also secures the fuel cap restraint line that in turn hooks into the fuel tank to prevent the cap from getting lost. New caps are still available if you search the internet you will not be disapointed.
  11. I don't have photo to post but I believe it may be a Merry Tiller, possibly a twin six. If I find more info I shall post again.
  12. From your video it sounds as though you are getting there but your theory about the throttle butterfly actually works opposite to your thinking. When the engine is at rest the light spring to the air vane will pull the throttle open allowing the engine to fire up but as soon as the engine is running air from the vanes on the flywheel blows against the airvane to close the throttle, engine speed is then controlled by tensioning the light spring connecting the vane to the throttle lever where the cable is attached. As the engine slows down when loaded air speed from the flywheel drops allowing the tension spring to to open the throttle further until speed picks up again allowing the engine to cope with changes of load when working. For this reason the spring over the cable is rather important, you could try a spring from a biro as an experiment but something a little stronger would be ideal, unfortunately the spring that you have fitted is not needed and should be removed. Hope this help you to understand how the governor works if I have missed anything I am sure wristpin will fill in the gaps for us.
  13. Hillsider


    Seasons greetngs and a happy new year to all. Ray.
  14. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/jpl-8050-h-professional-ultrasonic-cleaner-25l-a74jk I have a 2.5 litre cleaner as the attached link and I have found that it is just the right size for occasional use on most small engine carbs without incurring the expense of a larger perhaps more commercial machine, you would certainly struggle with a smaller capacity tank size. And a heated tank is a useful bonus. Interesting point about the effects of U/S ceaning on bearings I had heard the tale of vehicle wheel bearings suffering from Brinnelling during rail transport but not heard of this effect before.
  15. Re the leak down tester it certainly means you have gathered your tools wisely. I must have lead a sheltered life as I have yet to see one in the flesh either in or out of a "professional" workshop. Just out of interest what sort of pressure needs to be applied? I have a Mity Vac tester kit that I use to test two strokes for vacuum leakage that is also able to provide positive pressure and it would seem fairly simple to make an adaptor for the plug hole. Ray.
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