That's a very cool build, my hat off to you Sir
Great photo's and some nice machines
Doh indeed
Don't worry mate your not loosing the plot, we all do those daft things once in a while
I think the dogs have the right idea
Norm has said it all really
I bet your grinning from ear to ear every time you think of all those NOS bits.. I would be
Sorry guys, no idea when the next update will be. My Wife is seriously ill in hospital, so WH's will just have to wait until my Wife is better and life has returned to normal..
Is the middle Wh another GT?
You just can't help yourself can you mate
That's quite a score by the looks of it, hurry up and get a photo up showing us what the WH's are
I'm not in any hurry to replace the tyres on my GT, even though they are worn and cracked they are the original 1971 WH tires but somehow still hold air! As long as they hold air they can stay..
As it looks so good Norm we will let you off
Hi Harry, I think most of us use International Harvester red and International Harvester white enamal on our Wheel Horses.
Your lucky mate, 27" tires for 15" rims (my Gt-14) are very hard to find over here...
Years ago I did fit much bigger tires to the rear of my Wh 312-8 and extended a paif of kingpin thingys to raise the front up to match..
Here's a reply from the owner, it sounds to me like it could be a mix and match mower.. What do you guys think?
"That's brilliant. Would suggest it's not as old as I thought then.
There is no tag on the frame that I can see, but I remeber seeing one inside the primary chain case. The 'by appointment' transfer is one for George, not Liz. I arrived at my date from the construction of the mower itself using the old mower website as reference. They state that the steel side plates, rather than cast iron frames, put it at post 1935, but the pressed steel kickstart makes it earlier than the cast pedal used later on ?! I've also yet to find anymore images than the one I've seen, with the full cast aluminium cooling duct. I'll happily be corrected on anything though"
I could be interested in any lathe related tools you find Alan.
This tree lark is certainly keeping you busy Norm.. But at least you won't be short of firewood for the winter
Great photo's Doug, thanks for posting them
I'd happily give a home to the Bristol crawler, and I'm sure I'd find a use for tha Daimler Hemi V8 engine
Happy Birthday Kev, here's wishing you a good and pressie filled day
A nice find Andrew.. And its good to see something different
It's my guard kitten Norm, Tiddles stops the pixies from pinch my swarf
Well I had to cut him in half so I had a flat surface for gluing him to the ad board
(No Kittens, ad boards, bandsaws or tubes of glue were harmed during the typing of the above)
I've just caught up with this, Glad you decided the engine is rebuildable Darren.. Your not hanging about with the rebuild are you
At least if it's only you at the show Alain there won't the normal long que for the toilets which is normally found at shows
I wish it was that easy over here, I hate getting insurance just in case someone manages to trip over a big red machine that you can't miss! I hate having to pay for someone elses stupidity!
Knowing the quality of your work Richard what ever you end up building out of the pile of parts will be spectacular