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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2014 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    The Workshop moving Thread

    Thanks James, it's looking like everything is coming together quite well Yes it could well in interesting to see what comes out of both workshops Well, a bit of a sad day in more ways than one... Down came all the decorations that shacks collect over the years.. It feels strange in there without this lot fixed on the walls.. They all hold good memories for me and will be going up in the new workshop along with some bigger stuff that I will once again have wall space for And of course.... More stuff boxed up ready to go, even more "shack boxes" stashed in the house! Even under the big bench has been mostly cleared out and boxed up! Now you may of noticed in the above photo's a big red something is missing.. Yes the 6x6 went off to it's new home today, here it is all loaded up with it's new owner Mark... I am of course very sad to see it go, but I am happy that it has gone to such a good home.. To say that Mark is over the moon about is an understatement to say the least.. Yes he has been told about MOM and RS and promises to keep me updated on how he is getting on with it
  2. 3 points
    Hi all I am ready for the Scottish ploughing championships tommorow and Sunday We have been asked to put on a display of horticultural tractors and equipment used with them. This is a first for us Will update with pics of the event George S
  3. 2 points

    Can't resist. Ransomes!

    Bit more progress on the Marquis, not been the best of weather for paint spraying!
  4. 1 point

    Haban Sickle Mower

    I have just bought a Haban sickle mower for my Bolens tractor; it looks in really good condition and is complete including the original instruction leaflet. All being well it should be delivered here by the end of next week. I will post photos of it when it's here.
  5. 1 point

    1942 lister cs 5/1

    hi everyone here is a very early photo of the sawmill in its first year on the rally field 12 years ago at the balado steam rally kinross thanks danarmdave
  6. 1 point

    Can't resist. Ransomes!

    Need to move on another to create some space ! Found a home for a relatively young Honda engined Marquis a week ago so there are still a few people out there who appreciate a quality cylinder mower. When we started the business in '81 we would buy in lots of ex local authority Ransomes and Atcos of all sizes throughout the year and then overhaul and prep for sale during the winter; not unusual to start the season with a couple of dozen in stock. Now in retirement it's just a hobby; no customer hassle, wage bill, business rates etc and as much time as is needed to do things properly.
  7. 1 point

    The Workshop moving Thread

    Only the one photo today but the shack stripping is getting serious now.. Lathe dismantled and ready to be moved, and 2 benches dismantled one of which the compressor was hidden under.. I'd forgotten how big it is The shack has a viewing booked in for tomorrow afternoon, and just had a call from a chap who thought it was a small shed and wanted to take it to Orkney!!!
  8. 1 point

    Project C1-4x6

    Sounds like a plan
  9. 1 point
    the showman


    Don't know if it will all fit on that trailer Neil
  10. 1 point


    Bargain, 3/4 of a trailer load of logs would cost around £100 quid down here.
  11. 1 point
    the showman


    I'll take if your gonna bin it mate thanks
  12. 1 point

    Project C1-4x6

    Hi all I had a little play the other day down at the shed I wanted to finish the exhaust system off or as near as , and carry on with rear body etc !
  13. 1 point

    Gutbrod 1030

    Trying to upload pictures
  14. 1 point

    same old barn different find

    Hope your mrs does'nt want it back nigel , it stinks of diesel, no hole in it though so will have to see if your wifes left some money in it. Still judging be the other witty comments the smell could be a dead cat. Joke on the side it does have a badge on it but cant remember what it says, I will look. The cap on it is stamped B P (British Petroleum I suppose). I have just made the trolley for the engine today as the one on it was completely rotted so hopefully I can put it on and move it about this weekend. Paul
  15. 1 point

    The Workshop moving Thread

    I don't doubt it with Nigel next door. Be interesting to see what transpires.
  16. 1 point

    The Workshop moving Thread

    End of an era mate.... Some good stuff come out of that shack!
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