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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2016 in all areas

  1. 6 points

    Project "Why Not"

    Thanks Chris. Thanks Norm. Ta muchly paul. Thanks Ewan. You did have a rather large grin on your face Norm Today has been exhausting.... Yep, it's sort the pipes day Once all the extras for the non working flame/smoke making system had been removed the pipes looked a lot cleaner. Only these two holes to sort out.. That's better, just the welds to clean up.. Out came a spare muffler so I could measure out and make something I've been planning to for a long time.. Before the photo's a big thank you to Nigel for helping out with the exhaust wrap, a nasty itchy job that left us with itchy black stained hands! So thanks again mate
  2. 5 points

    stiga villa

    I'm just off to the workshop but I thought I'd post this up first
  3. 4 points


    After weeks of sorting, finding goodie's and clearing junk, the Showman and I thought we would have a play for a change. Chris had left one of his horses on site for haulage duty's in case it was needed while I was finishing off my Roper, so as it was a nice sunny day we had a drive around to start with. Last week, during his usual end of day walkabout, Chris spotted a long lost trailer which I knew was somewhere on John's land. We decided to drag it out from the undergrowth for a better look. As expected it was in poor condition, the woodwork having rotted away and the lighter metal not much better. The main chassis was still good and solid and the wheels still revolved. Hitching up one tractor got it moving until the wet muddy ground caused wheel spin. The same result with the other tractor. Both tractors hitched up together did the trick. The trailer was then towed across the field to a new resting place. For some unknown reason, the sun decided to replace it's self with clouds and rain so we finished up a bit soggy. As usually happens, after spoiling the fun the sun decided to play nicely again. We didn't manage to take photo's of the tow in progress. Too busy having fun. The last photo, scanned from an old print, shows the same trailer about 43 years ago just after John and I had returned from a Bolens and equipment recovery trip. The things we got away with in those days. Just imagine being on the road with that lot these days. My son, on the tractor, was just pretending to drive. The Bolens in the trailer has somehow now found it's way to Norfolk. The four wheel trailer is the one Chris is restoring now. Another fun filled day. Thanks Chris. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. COVENTRY CLIMAX FIRE PUMP. Dragged this out of the barn yesterday. Moved it to a more convenient location ready for collection. The pump assembly is missing as can be seen. The buyer is based in Germany, not sure yet if it is going back with him or what plans he has for it. Whatever, it is another item less at John's. Also sold the J P Simplex mower which was collected yesterday.
  4. 4 points


    Usually behind the camera Norm, saves having a cracked lens. But just for you another one with my "Hurry up and press the button Chris" face. John managed to get into all the photo's too.
  5. 3 points

    stiga villa

    got given an old stiga with a knackerd deck, so ian and i converted it for carrying trays of plants around the nursery
  6. 2 points
    the showman

    stiga villa

    That will be good at rallys nigel, you'll be able to carry your coffee making stuff and chair.
  7. 1 point

    Project Raider 10.

    A little while ago I acquired this '75 Raider 10 with a side discharge cutting deck.. Unfortunately the engine threw a wobbly when I had a go at starting it. See my thread, "Another for the Stable". Today I decided the remove the engine. So onto the bench. I got a little carried away. A few other bits got taken off as well, as the engine oil drained. I don't know if the way the engine is bolted to the chassis is correct. Looks a bit odd to me. But no doubt some one will know. Engine out. While I was taking the engine out, I decide to drain the gearbox as well. There was oil in, or had been at sometime. About a cupful of milky fluid came out, followed by a copious amount of clear water. I reckon the box was full of it. Rather agricultural exhaust system. And an even more agricultural draw bar. I like the way the rear fender hinges up. Handy storage compartment underneath. Someone has been rather handy with a welder. Or not as the case may be. Sorry about the photo quality. Too close with my camera. But you get the picture. There were bolts in there as well. And another bit of useful welding. Idler pulley welded on. There was one or two other bodges as well. Mixture of imperial and metric fastenings and pop rivets in place of split pins. Fortunately, the tin ware is for the most part, in good condition. So at end of play, this is how the Raider looks now. Rather than put this as a rebuild, I've put it in projects. The reason being some mods will be made. Also I haven't a clue how it will evolve. Could take quite a while.
  8. 1 point

    E- tank.

    I have an old stick welder connected to mine after a few hours the electrolyte gets hot which makes it all work faster great for stripping off ancient paint as well as rust but eats the sacrificial anodes.
  9. 1 point
    I like the Ferrari behind it my grandchildren and I would love that
  10. 1 point

    Just had...

    Just had a phone call from a man with a very strong Asian accent. Phoning about my computer. Conversation went something like this. There's a fault with it, he said. Oh really? I've not noticed anything. Is it switched on? Yes. Do such and such. (I didn't) Can you see such and such? No. This went on for some time. He saying do this. Me doing nowt. I didn't touch my computer at all. Eventually he said is was ok now and for fixing it I had to pay. Could he have my bank details. "Certainly," I said. "Give me a minute." Out to the Disco I went and got the whistle I use when rally marshalling. Back to the phone and " I've got my bank details here", said I. "Can you let me have them," Said he. "Here you are", said I. I let him have them alright. A good long loud shrill blast. Hope I've burst the crooks ear drum.
  11. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    You should try driving it, Ewan.
  12. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Project "Why Not"

    It looks awesome!
  13. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

  14. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Looking great, Ian.
  15. 1 point
    the showman

    Project "Why Not"

    Really looking nice now Ian
  16. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Cub Cadet 70 restoration

    I'm getting lots done now that I've finished school The engine has been mostly reassembled now The hood that was ready for the scrap bin has been patched up the best we could, at least there is metal there now, with a bit of filler it should look ok. With thanks to the warm weather today I got lots more painting done and some parts got reassembled
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