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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    While at our favourite, favorite for those of you across the pond, hunting ground yesterday, Chris decided to tow one of John's caravans to a more scenic spot. It had been tucked away hidden from view for years. Chris thought it would make a nice tea and chat room for the many visitors we get to view John's rapidly decreasing piles of scrap metal and general junk. I was a bit dubious but Chris reminded me that he had years of experience towing caravans, old and new, for one of the main dealers. Reassured with this news I said go ahead and went off to attend to others matters. A few minutes later Chris came looking for me with a VERY RED face. "I'm sorry" he managed to force out of his mouth, floods of tears rolling down his cheeks, and his lips trembling. "I've had a little accident, don't know how it happened, but it could have been the rough ground, that's my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it". I was horrified. A perfectly good caravan RUINED. " It's never happened to me before, Chris managed to mumble", before bursting into more floods of tears. At this stage I began to feel a bit sorry for him and made him ANOTHER cup of tea. After he had regained his composure and started to look a bit more cheerful, he asked if I would take a photo of him posing as if he had just killed a wild animal. You can see this photo below. It was decided that repairs could probably be made without having to claim on Chris's insurance, which was just as well as he informed me that he didn't have any. Anyway, for those of you with weak hearts, close your eye's before viewing the photo's below. Finally, if you decide to get Chris to move your caravan, make sure it is well wrapped in bubble wrap or cotton wool. You have been WARNED.
  2. 3 points
    Here's a couple of photos of the picturesque caravan park before i got into it with the mini digger. both of us forgot to mention there was a stray cat living in the caravan but he was evicted before the move, i think he's moved next door temporary,
  3. 2 points
    A really well written humorous story Alan. I had my doubts about his caravan towing skills and this confirms my suspicions.
  4. 2 points
    Bet the car which used to tow it is in there too Chris
  5. 1 point

    Rollo Croftmaster

    I attended a local show on Saturday and one of our engine lads brought this machine along. Never seen one myself, are they rare and were many produced? Pete.
  6. 1 point

    Rollo Croftmaster

    check with Rollo-man in Scotland he has one
  7. 1 point
    Hello all thanks for the coments sorry about the delay in replying I didn't get any notifications. I have just finished the deck and fitted it today. It shakes when I engage it. I have adjusted the tension and it's seems a little better ....any suggestions would get appreciated:)
  8. 1 point
    If it is Chris, we haven't found it yet.
  9. 1 point
    Good effort Chris !, still some way to go to reach the abilities of the old Top Gear Team with Caravans though .
  10. 1 point
    Rear lights look ok and the side windows would look good in his van. On second thoughts forget the windows. Pam would be able to see what he's got hidden in the van.
  11. 1 point

    C81 and finger bar.

    Job finished for me. The places where I've not cut have sleepers and other objects in. I was told not to bother about them.
  12. 1 point
    Hello and welcome Very nice job on that, well done !
  13. 1 point

    Westwood gazelle w11 restoration project

    They are Good mowing machines
  14. 1 point

    Westwood gazelle w11 restoration project

    Really nice restore. They do make a good mowing machine. What condition is the deck in?
  15. 1 point
    That's a sweet restore! Well done
  16. 1 point
    Hello and welcome to the Forum............... Most impressed with your effort to produce a superb finish on that machine. Others here will know much more about Westwoods than me, so can't offer an opinion on quality of it's mowing performance. I'm sure your Father-in-Law will enjoy using it irrespectively.
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