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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I've a couple of cable lubricators somewhere, Jonathan. I'll see if I can find them and bring them over Monday.
  2. Stormin

    the pacemaker

    Are you sure that coupling's strong enough?
  3. I don't think they are. Unless he's trying to bump start it.
  4. Nice to hear it running properly and with little smoke. Top marks to Jonathan for perseverance.
  5. Quite possibly. But somehow I don't think one would be enough.
  6. I hope you haven't put it away. I'll be up soon. Being two stroke, I'd expect some smoke with high revs.
  7. Won't they get a bit mucky that low?
  8. That's good news, Jonathan. Has the smoke issue been improved?
  9. A very good variety of machinery.
  10. My guess is a measuring gauge as you suggest, Alan. Used on a lathe. Outer jaws set to NO GO. Inner to GO.
  11. Anyone else noticed the way the names are spelt on it?
  12. No doubt you'll most likely have company, Rhys. Be plenty of smoky engines.
  13. Me three. I've an engineless Husqvarna to bring home one day. Or use the Mountfield that's sitting at the back of the workshop.
  14. That's good news, Jonathan. How's the smoking now?
  15. Stormin

    Ransomes ITW

    I assume that's undercoat and it will be painted the same as the ITW?
  16. Stormin

    Ransomes ITW

    Nice job again, Rhys.
  17. Stormin

    Ransomes ITW

    Looking forward to seeing this at Malvern, Rhys.
  18. Nigel enlarged the photo. Thinks he recognises where.
  19. It would if complete. Parts ie. auger etc could be copied to save others.
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