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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. What I'm thinking is making it to mount behind, in front or even alongside of a tractor, with a pipe/tube into a trailer. Bit like a forage harvester.
  2. No bag, Nigel but several ideas.
  3. Where from, Rhys? Somewhere like Thomas Grahams in Carlisle?
  4. Could be a speck of dirt 'tween float needle and seat.
  5. This morning I filled the tank as Richard suggested. Billy Goat fired up at the third pull and kept running. Can't half fire things out. Put a rag in front of it and didn't see it come out. Stopped the engine and felt around underneath. No rag? Not surprising, as it was lying about 8ft away across the workshop. On the down side, I found a petrol leak. Removed the tank and there is a small pin hole in the back, halfway up. A couple of more suspect places as well. I'll see about having a go at soldering them up next week. Any other suggestions anyone?
  7. Thanks for that, Richard. Never had anything to do with B&S fuel systems. Before I start pulling things apart, I'll try filling the tank. Only 1/2 filled it.
  8. My mate Dunc called round today. So into the workshop we disappeared. Between us, we finally worked out where and how the connecting rod fitted. From throttle butterfly to governor arm. There is a very light spring over this particular rod. Unfortunately one end is broken off. Something to replace at a later date. The engine didn't want to start. Not even a cough. So with Dunc squirting petrol into the carb and me operating the pull start, we got it going. But the only way to keep it going, was to keep squirting petrol in. Evidently not lifting fuel from the tank. After Dunc had left, I decided to take the carb off. Only three little cross head screws hold it on. Simples! Nope! Those three screws had been in there for forty years most likely. One did unscrew, but the other two needed assistance. From a small pair off mole grips for one. Mole grips, a small chisel and hammer for the other. I think three new screws will be on the things for the future list. I found with the carb off, the filter at the bottom of the fuel pickup pipe was covered with a film of dried dirt. This came of easily with a light brushing with a sued shoe brush. I was a bit leary of removing the tube completely, but I could blow down it and also the shorter tube next to it. That I assume is a return pipe. With everything back together, I tried running the engine again. Sorry to say the result was the same. Tomorrow when I get thrown out, so swmbo can get things ready for the Christmas Eve invasion of the tribe, I will have a look at the diaphragm.
  9. Bye eck! I thought I had trouble with leaves. Looks a nice place you have, Doug. wish I had a bit of land mesel'. Like the little Ford.
  10. I'll need a video camera first.
  11. The all black engine, in the all black frame, looks grand as owt, Ian.
  12. Stormin

    Mowett mustang

    £200 for the insurance man.
  13. Unfortunately, Angus, the fly wheel didn't have any threaded holes to attach a puller, similar to your flat plate ones. I would have made one otherwise. I didn't apply a lot of force, just over finger tight and with a couple of taps on the puller the fly wheel came loose. One thing I should have done when the flywheel was off, was to drill and tap a couple of holes for future use if needed.
  14. A bit of an update. I've been unable to locate a replacement condenser, it being one side of the points and to all reports, obsolete. So today a nice new electronic coil arrived. Also a new air filter to replace the dust that was the original. New coil soon fitted and tried and very healthy spark from the plug. So next everything was put back together. Then the throttle cable decided to let me know it was practically seized. Off with that and after several applications of 3in1 oil and pulling back and forth, it freed to an acceptable level of movement. Right! It was now time to see if it would run. To start with, I just squirted some petrol into the carb and gave the pull cord a few jerks. This resulted in a couple of coughs from the exhaust. Promising! Some petrol into the tank and lets try again after another dose down the carb. It fired and ran. Briefly! Tried again with same procedure and got same result. It wouldn't take any notice of the throttle position. Choke shut and opened ok. Bit of head scratching, sitting and thinking. Staring at the bench. Hang on! What's this? In the box that had held all the bit's and bob's, was a small rod and light spring. The one that connects throttle butterfly to lever. So now all I have to do is remember/workout just how it fits. I jest not.
  15. Unless things have changed, a 16yr old can drive a tractor on the road. There are/were certain restrictions as to what can be towed. Also a 16yr old can/could take a tractor test.
  16. That's in excellent condition for it's age. What year is it?
  17. Can't see it. Not on farce book.
  18. Doesn't look smaller to me Ian. Unless that's a little chair for little Nigel.
  19. If you've not touch anything, except for fitting a new carb, I'd try it with the original carb before doing anything else. A possibility is the fly wheel key has sheared. It's only aluminium for the reason. Don't fit a steel one in it's place.
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